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Example sentences for "conclusioun"

Lexicographically close words:
concluding; conclure; conclusion; conclusiones; conclusions; conclusive; conclusively; conclusiveness; conclusyon; concoct
  1. And nota, that yif the mone shewe himself by light of day, than maystow wyrke this same conclusioun by the sonne, as wel as by the fix sterre.

  2. And by this conclusioun maystow take ensample in alle the signes, be they moist or drye, or moeble or fix; rekening the qualitee of the planete as I first seide.

  3. This same Almury sit fix in the bed of Capricorne, and it serveth of many a necessarie conclusioun in equaciouns of thinges, as shal be shewed; and for the more declaracioun, lo here thy figure.

  4. This conclusioun wol I declare in the laste chapitre of the 4 partie of this tretis so openly, that ther shal lakke no worde that nedeth to the declaracioun.

  5. What ground it had we cane nott say; but schorte thairafter the Duck and some of the Lordis convened at Glasgow; thair conclusioun was nott knowen.

  6. The conclusioun of that first reassonyng was, "That the questioun should be formed, and letteris direct to Geneva for the resolutioun of that Churche," whairin Johne Knox offered his laubouris.

  7. Magister Vincentius de Placentia, affirmed the Conclusioun to be moist true and certane, agreable boith with the law of God and man.

  8. The Lordis promeissit, "That no conclusioun sould be taikin, nether yit voit requyreit, till that bayth the propositiounis and the ressounis sould be heard, and considderit of the whole bodie.

  9. He moste assente on that conclusioun 1300 As for the tyme; and whan that it was eve, And al was wel, he roos and took his leve.

  10. Of otherwise I wol noght seie That if I founde a seker weie, I wolde as for conclusioun Worche after Supplantacioun, So hihe a love forto winne.

  11. Telle me also, to what conclusioun 115 Were membres maad of generacioun, And for what profit was a wight y-wroght?

  12. Cristes passioun, This miller hadde a sharp conclusioun Upon his argument of herbergage!

  13. Wherfor, to go to the conclusioun That refereth to thy confusioun, (530) Unhappy man!

  14. Upoun the finall conclusioun of the which head, war added to the formare Commissionaris Williame Erle of Glencarne and Schir George Dowglasse, to whome was gevin ample commissioun and good instructionis.

  15. The samyn messinger brocht alssua letteris frome the Quene our Soverane, mair scharp and threatning than the former; for hir conclusioun was, "Vous senteras la poincture a jamais.

  16. The warr begane in the end of the harvest, as said is, and conclusioun was tackin that Wark[665] should be asseged.

  17. The conclusioun of thair commissioun was to solist my Lord Duike to put all in the Queneis will, and than wald sche be gratious aneuch.

  18. And also, for conclusioun of al, he is frende that now leveth nat his herte from thyne helpes.

  19. Beir in your mynd this short conclusioun Of fair Cresseid, as I have said befoir; 615 Sen sho is deid, I speik of hir no moir.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conclusioun" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.