The last case was a complaint against a man for not keeping up good fires under the boilers.
The next case was a complaint against an apprentice, for leaving his place in the boiling house without asking permission.
The third case was a complaint against a boy for taking every alternate Friday and Saturday, instead of every Saturday, for allowance.
Colbert discovered some cause of complaint against me; Belle-Isle, for instance.
If I only had but some real cause of complaint against her, I should be happy, and should be able to forgive her.
Porthos drew himself up as he answered: "There is no question at all of what I should have done, young man; you have now been made acquainted with the three causes of complaint against you, I believe?
He knew he was a secret foe, always on the watch for any cause of complaint against him; and he could often feel that it would take very little to stir up the old jealous strife and hostility.
Corraro, the Venetian ambassador at Paris, Grotius's complaint against him, 184 How the affair was made up, ibid.
It was the adventurer Cerisante who brought Grotius Queen Christina's letters, ordering him to lay before the Queen of France Sweden's grounds of complaint against Denmark.
I added my excuses for Kamrasi, and laid a complaint against Mtesa's officers for having defrauded us out of ten cows, five goats, six butter, and sixty mbugu.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "complaint against" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.