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Example sentences for "commyng"

Lexicographically close words:
commute; commuted; commuter; commuters; commuting; commytted; como; comodities; comoedia; comon
  1. The Lacedemonians hearyng of the commyng of Themistocles, thought little of the walle buildyng at Athens.

  2. An Oracion Historicall, of the commyng of Iulius Ce- ser into Englande.

  3. Citée of London, shewyng the auncient buildyng of thesame: the commyng of Brutus, who was the firste au- cthor and erector of thesame.

  4. A narracion historicall, of the commyng of Iulius Cesar into Britaine.

  5. From Aduente to Christemas, to remembre the tyme from Moses, to the commyng of Messias.

  6. From the octaues of Easter, to the octaues of Whitsontide, Christes Resurrection, and Ascencion, with the commyng of the holy Ghoste.

  7. And to take an example of the many overthrowes and conquestis of this lande by straunge nacions sithen the Breton bloode first inhabited, as withe peple callid Pictics, commyng out of ferre northe partie of the worlde.

  8. Item I will that the masters of the livery of my Companie be at my buriall, and they to have xl{s} for theire dinners, to be delivered to the wardens at theire commyng to my buriall.

  9. Commyng from the towne to the Castle hill, the common people sayd, God haue mercy vpon him.

  10. From that tyme to his forth commyng to the fire, spake no man with him.

  11. Likewise, to come into an house, and there to see the liuely shew of Gold, Siluer or precious stones: and commyng to take them in your hand, to finde nought but Ayre.

  12. I esteemed for a good presage the congratulation that the Consul Rutulus did vnto me from thee, touchinge my commyng to the empire: I hope through thy merites, that I shall be a good Emperoure.

  13. You shall also note, that through your commyng hither, manye of my subiectes haue rebelled, and are become my mortall enimies, but yet I purpose to breake their wings.

  14. And consider well, that to teach and instruct you these things, was the cause of our commyng hither.

  15. Therefore Rome so long as it was well governed, whiche was untill the commyng of Graccus, it had not any Souldiour that would take this exercise for an arte, and therefore it had fewe naughtie, and those few wer severely punished.

  16. David, thi prophette trew, Of tymes told unto us; Of thi commyng he knew, And saide it shuld be thus.

  17. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "commyng" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.