So Captaine Warde was comanded to absente himselfe till such time as the Assembly had agreed what was fitt for him to doe.
King Menelay the wordes nom And axeth him of this matiere: And he, that alle it mihten hiere, Ansuerde and tolde his tale alarge, And hou the goddes in his charge 2140 Comanded him in such a wise His oghne hond to do juise.
Thi treson stant of such record, 2060 Thou miht thi werkes noght forsake; So mot I for mi fader sake Vengance upon thi bodi do, As I comanded am therto.
I was comanded to make what dispatch possible might bee, & espetially to mind the business of bringing my wife along with me, & then I shold not doubt of having good Imployments.
Hee asked of me if it was not the River where Sir Thomas Button, thatcomanded an English shipp, had formerly winter'd.
Him that comanded in the fort had much adoe to hinder him from killing the Englishman that desired to stay with us.
But the king comandedthey should be brought ashore againe, although Capt.
Englishman they could kill; which their proceadinges could not be soe secretly donne, but I hadd dailie notis thereof by som of their owne people, although they were comanded upon payne of death to the contrary.
This villen did lye heare to entice our men to run away; but now per the tono is comanded out of towne.
He made me answer, they were not in the falt, but them which sent the shipp, nether they in falte, for that they did nothing but what their masters comanded them.
Soe that the king of Firando comanded watch and ward to be kept in the streetes, that noe Hollanders might be suffered to passe by our dores.
Yet, notwithstanding, Shungo Samma had geven leave to the King of Faccata and the King of Figen to retorne for their countries, but comanded all the rest to stay his ferther plesure.
Portingall shipp at Langasaque comanded Lues Martin to accompany hym to Miaco (or Edo), to speake to themperour and mak complaint against the Hollanders for robing at seas.
So the kyng comanded to bring hym both of the on and other and made a tast of both; and fynding the salt so unsavery in his mouth, comanded that wyse man, which spook in praise thereof, to be cast into the say.
This preest him bisieth in al that he can To doon as this chanoun, this cursed man, Comanded him, and faste he blew the fyr, 1260 For to come to theffect of his desyr.
And to the thridde knight right thus he seyth, 2040 'Thou hast nat doon that I comanded thee.
And to another knight comanded he, 2025 'Go lede him to the deeth, I charge thee.
I pray you, telleth me; Or wher comandedhe virginitee?
To every wight comanded was silence, And that the knight sholde telle in audience, What thing that worldly wommen loven best.
And nat only that god forbad avoutrie in dede, but eek he comanded that thou sholdest nat coveite thy neighebores wyf.
Sir, he Comanded the Inhabtances to save what they Could for the King, which was them Things I Rett[5] to Your Excellency before of.
Henry Webber, 3d Mate, who afterwards Comanded the said ship, and severall others, took the ship from him and went to Brasile, where the Deponent and some others left the ship.
Vessell under English Colours he chased her and comanded the Master to come on board and plundered the Ship.
No matter whether any man speake nor noe: we know he killed the man, and she comanded him, ergo they are guilty; ergoe that must be their confession, scilicet that they are guilty.
Goe to my sonn; inioyne him by all rights Of naturall duty to accomplish that Which in youre hearing I comanded him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "comanded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.