None was needed, so the boys bought another pair of Cokes and engaged the man in conversation.
The boys equipped themselves with Cokes and walked back to watch the attendant fill the tank.
The year 1795 marks the period when the manufacture of iron was resumed in the Forest by means of pit coal cokes at Cinderford, the above date being preserved on an inscription stone in No.
The cokes were brought from Broadmoor in boats, by a small canal, the embankment of which may be seen at the present day.
The Cokes Tale of Gamelyn'; whence the blunder arose of connecting it with the Cook.
But I cannot but protest against the stupidity of the botcher whose hand wrote above it 'The Cokes Tale of Gamelyn.
They tell me it’ll be a couple of hours, so I go out and wander around a lot of blocks I never saw before and drink somecokes and sit and look up at the Fifty-ninth Street Bridge to Queens.
Sometimes the day before an exam he’d be sitting around for hours, buying peoplecokes and acting as if he hadn’t a care in the world.
Along in mid-afternoon, we drift down toward the subway and get cokes and ice cream before we start back.
While we drink cokesthe blonde and the redhead say they want to go to the movies.
We pick up a couple of cokesand pears at his pop’s store.
She usually keeps something like that in the icebox in summer, because she thinks cokesare bad for you.
I don’t know just what she means, but we go get cokes and come back and stretch out in the sun.
The two girls drink their cokes and talk across Nick.
In the Cokes Tale we read concerning ‘Perkin Revelour’ and his friends: And ther they setten steven for to mete To pleyen at the dys in swich a strete.
Gaillard he was as goldfinch in the shaws,’ Cokes Tale, l.
Pug, as the comic butt and innocent gull, is allied to Master Stephen and Master Matthew of Every Man in his Humor, Dapper of The Alchemist, and Cokes of Bartholomew Fair.
Sacred objects of gold will be carried away, and earth-cokes and drafts will fall on Ifugao people.
The boys finished their cokes before Rick decided on a course of action.
Look, yonder's your Cokesgotten in among his play-fellows; I thought we could not miss him at such a spectacle.
The year 1795 marks the period when the manufacture of iron was resumed in the Forest by means of pit-coal cokes at Cinderford, the above date being preserved on an inscription stone in No.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cokes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.