It was formerly the custom for butchers' assistants to provide themselves with marrow-bones and cleavers for musical effects.
A complete band would consist of eight men, with their cleavers so tuned as to give an octave of notes.
These snatched cleavers from the butcher shops, pickets from the Roman fences and various other weapons, and with them fought their way to the foot hill where they met a wagon train loaded with arms and supplies.
He handled his cleavers as lightly as a drummer his sticks, whistling a waltz the meanwhile to keep himself in time.
Another good example is to be seen in the common Goose-grass or Cleavers (G.
The Goose Grass is so named because it is eaten by geese; and it is also known as the Cleavers because its fruits, which are covered with hooked bristles, cling tenaciously to our clothing and to the covering of animals.
From table 1 it may be seen that quackgrass, alfalfa, wild lettuce, and cleavers were common.
All that fell away from me when I came in contact with the Cleaversand their friends.
One was the strength and beauty of the religious faith by which the Cleavers and their friends lived.
He examined Pan carefully; there were no signs of a fight on him-- nothing butcleavers or the seeds of goose-grass clinging to his coat.
Pan raced and circled round to find the game, and returned with his back covered with cleavers which stuck to his coat.