Let us try to trace in this historic fact the classifying process at the moment when the first form of polytheism succeeds to irregular and anarchical fetishism.
These phantasms are, moreover, personified by the classifying process of types, they are transformed into human images, and arranged in a hierarchy, and to this the various religions and mythologies of the world owe their origin.
This is also the process of science itself, as far as the classifying method and intrinsic logical form are concerned.
But the author lays the student under special obligations by putting together in the concluding pages of this volume some of these sentences, and classifying them under various headings.
There can be no difficulty in classifying this Syrian philosophy of religion.
He attempts to reduce Mysticism to an exact science, tabulating and classifying all the teaching of his predecessors.
One kills them, the other writes classifying epitaphs.
I have already given you several reasons for my wish that you should retain, in classifying birds, the now rejected order of Picae.
Opposite to this productive faculty of thought, the negative pole is formed by the classifying faculty of reason, which further elaborates, closely determines, and limits the materials furnished to it by the fancy.
Now, as the external life of man alternates between the waking activity and the state of repose in sleep, so, too, the thinking soul is divided between the abstracting and classifying Reason and the inventive Fancy.
The purpose of classifying one's information is not to show how much there is, but to answer questions quickly and to guide constructive thinking.
It seems desirable therefore to clear the way by classifying the ideas with which we have to deal, and by defining the terms corresponding to them.
Before classifying the various forms of sexual relationships, it may be well to say a few words on the definition of marriage in general.
The growing habit of classifying the future with things unknown and unknowable 148 5.
The growing habit of classifying the future with things unknown and unknowable At last there has arisen in the Church a considerable class that strives to discourage any effort to inquire into the future life.
In 1836 Gallatin conferred a great boon upon linguistic students by classifying all the existing material relating to this subject.
The small amount of linguistic material accessible to the earlier writers accounts for the little done in the way of classifying the Pueblo languages.
This, however, should not prevent our classifying them as different species now, for the difference is no less real though it dates from the creation.
But when we shall have enumerated all, there will be many ways of classifying all; a good librarian always finds something to do, and each new classification will be instructive for the philosopher.
It appears at first as lyric meditation, sometimes unconnected with melos, as in Fairy Tale, Op.
Preparations were made for a production in Chicago, when Campanini suddenly died.
We most remember that Aristotle, classifying Relata as one species under the genus Opposita, treats double and half as Opposita, i.
Thus we consider the various degrees of size of the various animals, classifyingthem accordingly.
But the monograph is a very good first attempt at classifying North American Indian languages.
Of ways of classifying the races of mankind and their subdivisions the number is great, but that which measures them by their speech is both ancient and convenient.
Of course in classifying men it is necessary to bear in mind that their getting out of their classifications is what the classifications are for.
If he does not submit himself to intellectual and emotional fatigue in classifying the communicated ideas, and in emphasising on his spirit the imprint of the communicated emotions--then reading with him is a pleasant pastime and nothing else.
The rules for classifying will no doubt become simpler when we have a definite object in view.
Nearly the same rules are followed in classifying varieties, as with species.
In my experience, however, as a counsel and as an observer, I have never had any difficulty in classifying all persons detained or condemned for crimes and offences, by relying upon organic, and especially upon psychological symptoms.
So far, observers continue to give us the same characteristics for a large aggregate of criminals, classifying them according to the form of their crime rather than according to their bio-social type.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "classifying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.