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Example sentences for "churching"

Lexicographically close words:
chupatties; church; churche; churched; churches; churchism; churchly; churchman; churchmanship; churchmen
  1. This moves even his sturdy heart; he tells Ellen to be of good cheer, for the bridal and the churching shall both be on one day.

  2. Since the churching of Tessibel Skinner, everything had been topsy turvy.

  3. For churching the squire's wife he received regularly 5s.

  4. In some parishes there was a special pew known as "the churching seat.

  5. It was not unusual for the churching service to be said in private houses.

  6. Custom differs, but the usual date of churching was the fortieth day after confinement, in accordance with the Biblical date of the presentment of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus at the Temple.

  7. At her churching a woman was expected to make some offering to the church, such as the chrisom or alb thrown over the child at christening.

  8. The Churching of Women is regulated by the rubrics at the commencement and close of the service for the occasion in the Prayer Book.

  9. Nisi Dominus Churching of Women (Prayer Book) A Psalm of the pilgrim Church confessing that her progress and her enlargement cannot be the fruit of human care and labour, but of the grace of Christ only.

  10. At Bromley College the same clergyman had a curious experience, when the clerk was called to assist at a service for the Churching of Women.

  11. And at the churching of a woman his dinner.

  12. The reader is directed to the service set forth in the Prayer Book under the title, "The Thanksgiving of Women after Childbirth; commonly called, The Churching of Women.

  13. A passage describing the churching feast of the wife of one of the "Sixe worthie yeomen," makes a natural and humorous picture of contemporary manners.

  14. We next find the young Earl in the suite of Queen Philippa; and he received a robe from the Wardrobe in which to appear at her churching in 1332, made of nine ells of striped saffron-coloured cloth of Ghent, trimmed with fur, and a fur hood.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "churching" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.