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Example sentences for "chlorodyne"

Lexicographically close words:
chlorinated; chlorination; chlorine; chlorite; chloritic; chloroform; chloroformed; chloroforming; chlorophyl; chlorophyll
  1. He pronounced the last words with the chlorodyne gum between his side teeth.

  2. Mr. Pappleworth arrived, chewing a chlorodyne gum, at about twenty to nine, when all the other men were at work.

  3. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne with marvellous good effects in allaying inveterate sickness in pregnancy.

  4. Even with the chlorodyne and absinthe she hardly slept now, and she scarcely cared to project her thoughts beyond the time of escape from the hateful yacht.

  5. But the Countess de Mattos had experienced this undefinable misery before, when the reaction came after taking too large a dose of chlorodyne with her "solace.

  6. But now that the absinthe and chlorodyne soothed her nerves she was comparatively indifferent whether they stopped or steamed away.

  7. I had not felt so wretchedly sick since Kut fell, and the doctor told me that evening that the chlorodyne I had taken possibly prevented a collapse.

  8. Some fellows in their unwillingness to enter hospital stuff down dozens of leaden opium pills, various powders, much castor oil with chlorodyne and camphoradyne in between.

  9. I lost my haversack with all my knives and plates and razor and toilet kit and scanty supply of medicine like chlorodyne and quinine, of which the Turks had none.

  10. Fancy being ill of fever with nothing to take but chlorodyne and quinine--if men were left to themselves they would live on chlorodyne and quinine--and no one round you but horrible natives!

  11. Now it happens that a paper-wrapped bottle of chlorodyne with a piece of harmless fuse projecting can fool anybody.

  12. They went over the side along with the shore-dwelling folk and followed by him who trailed the sizzling chlorodyne bottle.

  13. We plied him with chlorodyne; but the chlorodyne did not like him and they parted company.

  14. Others also showed a distinct interest in the chlorodyne bottle.

  15. We tried chlorodyne followed by brandy with better effect.

  16. Rowcliffe pointed to the little phial of chlorodyne lying in the straw.

  17. She was standing by the window-sill with the bottle of chlorodyne in her hand and at her lips.

  18. When Daisy rolled in another agony, Rowcliffe gave her chlorodyne and waited till suddenly she lay still.

  19. And the little phial of chlorodyne was put back among the cobwebs and forgotten.

  20. I had suffered a sleepless night from neuralgia, and about mid-day I had taken a heavy dose of chlorodyne to alleviate the pain.

  21. Confused by the chlorodyne which I had taken, I lay motionless in a semi-conscious state.

  22. The hospital orderly whom he had sent to bed with rum and chlorodyne was standing, spruce and alert, at the canteen.

  23. Go into the quarantine tent, it's up by now, and tell them to give you a stiff-un of rum with chlorodyne in it.

  24. Then he began, for he had a good memory, quoting a few of the more important notes in the papers--slowly and one by one as a man drops chlorodyne into a glass.

  25. Miggy dies of cholera once a week in the Rains, and gets drunk on chlorodyne in between.

  26. I had suffered a sleepless night from neuralgia, and about midday I had taken a heavy dose of chlorodyne to alleviate the pain.

  27. Eno's Salts and chlorodyne cannot be bought in town.

  28. They don't have chlorodyne in our hospitals," I suggested.

  29. Jimmy and I had a bottle of chlorodyne apiece, but they were empty in an hour or so and our whisky was finished soon afterward.

  30. Give a hot bath, 20-drop doses of chlorodyne in a little water, and consult a qualified veterinary surgeon.

  31. Hot fomentations and 15-to 20-drop doses of chlorodyne every three hours can be tried in the meantime.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chlorodyne" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.