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Example sentences for "chivied"

Lexicographically close words:
chivalric; chivalrous; chivalrously; chivalry; chives; chlamys; chloral; chlorate; chlorates; chloric
  1. On Sunday she chivied the family off to church at least ten minutes too soon, and they sat in their pew in stately dignity while the rest of the congregation trickled in.

  2. I only thought of Curtiss as Actaeon being chivied round the billiard tables by the nymphs of Diana.

  3. Harris had chivied her off, and she had gone away, and fetched up her old man.

  4. So they chivied him--if I may be allowed the expression--much as the street boys are said to have chivied Jonas Hanway when he appeared in London streets with the first umbrella.

  5. He had been chivied and chased from village to village as an intruder.

  6. That reminds me we owe the Lower Third one for assaultin' Beetle when he chivied Manders minor.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chivied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.