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Example sentences for "chimbly"

Lexicographically close words:
chilluns; chilly; chilt; chimbley; chimbleys; chime; chimed; chimera; chimeras; chimerical
  1. There is some natur there, but here it's all cussed rooks and chimbly swallers, and heavy men and fat women, and lazy helps, and Sunday every day in the week.

  2. Well, I takes a lucifer, and lights a cigar, and I puts my head up the chimbly to let the smoke off, and it felt good, I promise you.

  3. The roof was made of coarse slabs, battened and not shingled, and the chimbly peeped out like a black pot, made of sticks and mud, the way a crow's nest is.

  4. Dey never had no fine house neither; jus' a plain common house wid a chimbly at both ends.

  5. Some had chimblies in de middle, twixt two rooms, but de most of 'em was jus' one-room cabins wid a stick and mud chimbly at de end.

  6. De cullud folks have house with chimbly in de middle of two rooms and one fambly live on one side de chimbly and 'nother fambly on de other side de chimbly.

  7. De biggest of 'em had two rooms and evvy cabin had a chimbly made out of sticks and red mud.

  8. Dey was hung on hooks fastened to de chimbly or on cranes what could be swung off de fire when dey wanted to dish up de victuals.

  9. Chris'mas mornin's us chillun was up 'fore squirrels, lookin' up de chimbly for Santa Claus.

  10. Evvy hut had a entry in de middle, and a mud chimbly at each end.

  11. Wal, one arternoon I hed halted whur I seed some timmer, which ur a scace article about Chimbly Rock.

  12. It wur upon the Platte, atween Chimbly Rock an' Laramies'.

  13. Sonny says hisself thet the only thing he feels bad about in that chimbly business is thet one o' the little swallers' wings was broke by the fall.

  14. The only way we knowed about him comin' down the school-house chimbly was wife went to fetch his dinner to him, an' she found it out.

  15. But de smoke en de ashes gwine up de chimbly got de best er Brer Rabbit, en bimeby he sneeze--huckychow!

  16. Up en down dey had it, twel fus news you know Brer Tarrypin say he got a fifty-dollar bill in de chink er de chimbly at home, en dat bill done tole 'im dat he could beat Brer Rabbit in a fa'r race.

  17. Miss Nellie gimme out dinner en supper, den she put on she hat en gone to de ole chimbly en git some de brier what grow dey.

  18. Ole bugger-man, come down the chimbly 'n' ketch this bad gal.

  19. Her chimbly might have been smokin', Dave," we shouted arter him, but he was too dazed like to ketch on.

  20. You ought to have told her to put a wet bag over her chimbly an' hang the fish inside to smoke.

  21. He not stay quiet in de chimbly corner and let Sudden 'Federacy stole 'em.

  22. He made de chimbly out of sticks an' red mud, an' put iron bars crost de fireplace to hang pots on for to bile our vittuls an' made ovens for de bakin'.

  23. Us lived in a one-room log cabin what had a chimbly made out of sticks and mud.

  24. He made it out of logs an' put a big old chimbly wid a big fireplace at one end.

  25. Frances ignored the interruption and continued: "Us lived in log cabins what had jus' one room wid a stick and mud chimbly at de end.

  26. He run along the sky on unseen grooves and drove up to the roof of the house, and slid down the chimbly with a pack of presents.

  27. At one end was built a big house with a chimbly and an old-fashioned fireplace.

  28. Den he go to de chimbly an' jerk up de quinine bottle an po' a gre't hoss-dose on to be ban'.

  29. A chimbly and a few rails, if the mule-skinners hasn't burned them.

  30. Cause some poor old Sooner-die-than-work warms his bones by a bit of fire that wouldn't scare a chimbly swaller out of its nest!

  31. And then Gabe says, says he, 'We've struck it agin, fur the chimbly rock was taken from the first hole I dug on the hill only a hundred feet from here.

  32. Don't you remember when you was telling me about Doctor Divergers giving you that rock and how you rubed it until the silver shone, well, you took up a rock from our old chimbly and rubed it, while you was telling it.

  33. And I raised this yer chimbly with the rock.

  34. Well, all I could do he would go that very afternoon and engage a mason to do the work, build the chimbly after his views, beginin' on top instead of the bottom.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chimbly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.