Ta chilthad no one, and she had no one, and so it wass.
Ta hate in her heart to ta plood of ta Cawmill, would have killed ta chilt of ta Cawmill plood.
The chilt looks as thoo she'd been fed on spiders or frogs, or summat o' that soart.
Not infrequently, both son and daughter would rally her on the many indulgences she granted the child, and Matt often told her that what 'he used to ged licked for, th' chiltgeet kissed for.
Only he jumped down, and axed was the chilt ready.
She can't carry chain, though I do believe, Morty, the chilt has head enough, and figures enough to survey!
When I come here, wit' Dus, a chilt knewest almost as much of t'e real natur' of religion ast I knewest.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chilt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.