MENG BENG smokes a cigar, MAH PHRU has one of the big yellow cheroots affected by Burmese women to-day.
Charming Burmese girls, with huge cigars, meet and greet handsome Burmese men smoking cheroots and wearing flowers in their ears.
The denominations of cheroots were changed in January, 1848; when the description formerly known as Thirds was and still is called Seconds, and the manufacture of a new sort known as Firsts was begun.
But they are seldom so good as those of the Government make, although that occasionally deteriorates to an alarming degree, so that every now and then very bad cheroots are exported.
In making cheroots women only are employed, the number of those so engaged in the factory at Manilla being generally about 4000.
No doubt it was very instructive to see how fast cheroots could be made.
Replace a girl who could bunch sixty-five hundred cheroots in a single day?
The bestcheroots made here are sent to the royal family, and are called Finas.
Again we lighted our cheroots and smoked for a while the pipe of peace.
In consequence of the failure in the preceding tobacco crop, cheroots were very scarce during the time we were at Manilla.
The cheroots sold in England under the name of Government Manillas are of inferior quality.
The women were mostly collected in groups, and the men were smoking their cheroots and beating time to the music, which was excellent.
Anon we awoke, ate, drank and smoked, my brother smoking the cheroots of the Sahib-log and I having to be content with the bidis of Suleiman as there was no hookah.
Well, five minutes later Malet-Marsac rode up the drive and we were soon fraternizing over cheroots and cold drinks.
The Honorary Secretary shouted himself hoarse through the din; and the smoke of the cheroots was like the smoke, and the rattling of the dice-boxes like the rattle of small-arm fire.
Mah May was a little Burmese girl who kept a small stall filled with cheroots in one of the crowded many-coloured streets of Rangoon.
There behind it the proud possessor, she dreamt that she would sit and roll the cheroots and have her children by her, keeping an eye on the younger as they played.
On a table of mother-of-pearl stood some cheroots and a glass globe of water.
The cheroots were perhaps worth 20 cents, which left 16 cents for a cup of tea.
For five cups of tea and a bundle of Manila cheroots the manager charged us a dollar, to the surprise and horror of the Japanese boy who waited on us.
So Daireen found herself borne onward with Mrs. Crawford's arm in her own to where Major Crawford and Doctor Campion were sitting on their battered deck-chairs lighting fresh cheroots from the ashes of the expiring ends.
First of all the Captain-sahib offered a box of cheroots to his visitor, and his visitor refused and took a pipe from his pocket.
We lit our cheroots and rode for some miles at a brisk canter without remark.
I've indulged in too many exciting cheroots to-day already"; and with a light laugh he withdrew to his own room.
Let's get to our cherootsand pass to pleasanter topics.
She didn't object, really, or rather she wouldn't at all but for a strong odor of Manilla cheroots and the Medford rum he took at stated periods.
I got camphor and cassia and seven hundred peculs of ginger; then I decided to lay a course to Manilla for some of the cheroots father likes.
It would be necessary for him to see about a fresh case of cheroots soon, primes, too; they needn't try to put him off with the second quality.
Bracebrydge, as, cheroots having been lit, the male element stretched at full length on the ground, was lazily puffing at the same.
I could not understand why the pretty girls with cheroots sold little sticks and coloured candles to be used before the image of Buddha.
Cheroots were lighted, and Harry told his story, with some detail.
After the meal was over, cheroots lighted, and a decanter of port placed on the table, Fairclough asked Harry for the story he had promised him; and the latter accordingly gave them a sketch of his life and adventures.
Illustration] We were enjoying our cheroots to-night in the warm dusk in the verandah, when there was a shout that there was a thief in the house--we jumped!
The Falls of Gairsoppa, it is decided in our evening confab, we must see, and we smoke various cheroots over them.
To-night, when cheroots were going, we talked of railway matters, big things and little things.
When cheroots and a glass of wine had been offered, the 'Commodore' enquired the cause of our anchoring at Namao.
Two or three of the brag party call for oyster-toast to be taken to the table, and they devour it savagely while the cards are dealt round, placing their lighted cheroots meanwhile on the edge of the table.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cheroots" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.