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Example sentences for "certainties"

Lexicographically close words:
certainement; certaines; certainly; certains; certaintie; certainty; certam; certamen; certamine; certane
  1. But the great certainties are unaffected by the small divergences, and the points of agreement are vital.

  2. Any man who calmly reflects on the possibilities and certainties of his life will find abundant reason for a sinking heart.

  3. Like Lazarus, with the grave clothes of a pantheistic philosophy entangling his steps," yet with a Moravian experience of the life of God in the soul, he based religion upon the inner certainties of Christian feeling.

  4. The deepest convictions are not the certainties of logic, but the certainties of life.

  5. But God cannot foreknow actualities unless he has by his decree made them to be certainties of the future.

  6. But even in those cases the prospect of promotion was vague and remote, with illness and failing strength and poor food, worse clothing and lodgings, as certainties straightway.

  7. The misgivings of the night before had been fed and fattened into despairing certainties by the events of the day.

  8. Yet another quality of physics, likewise all-pervasive and permanent, is the mocking, paralyzing mystery in which all its certainties are veiled.

  9. And with a steady view to those oncoming certainties he shaped his resolutions, and plotted out his life.

  10. They all assume no less, and nothing more, than that in the living vision of a living personality hides and shines the harmony that may unite the mysteries and the certainties of this universe.

  11. But while he thus schooled himself, while the white roads curved and beckoned and unrolled their long ribbons, the certainties he needed of himself merged more and more into the certainties he needed of her.

  12. Before attacking the stars that light us, and the higher certainties, ought he not to understand the certainties which are actually about him?

  13. Your strongest certainties rest upon the analysis of material forms whose essence you persistently ignore.

  14. Amidst all darkness, perplexity, and apparent confusion, remember the certainties which abide unmoved, and "shine aloft as stars.

  15. It was a drastic escape from the intolerable monotony of prosaic certainties and aching frustrations.

  16. Thus the certainties of Baur and Strauss pass into the category of the cruder certainties which Strauss impugned; and the latter left the life of Jesus an unsolved enigma after all his analysis.

  17. Then bitter certainties cut in and told him it wouldn't do.

  18. He was as jealous as Othello, and no sane certainties were standing him in stead.

  19. This is the more remarkable because his rubber-ball fashion of following impulsions and rebounding from certainty made him often disparage other men's certainties of disbelief just because they were certainties.

  20. The reply of the apologist is that Montaigne never extends his skepticism to "revelation," but on the contrary declares that revelation alone gives man certainties (work cited, p.

  21. In certain judicial cases half-certainties are not sufficient for the judges to proceed upon.

  22. By certainties I understand such fundamentals as are supported by experience and leave no room for doubt or consideration--everything else, especially as it permits of further proof, is more or less probable.

  23. And from such examination only may the requisite certainties be attained from which the judge is to assume as determined, facts relevant to his judgment.

  24. There are no scientific certainties on these points--we simply have not reached that stage.

  25. You can't attain to proved certainties in this life--at least, you can't at present.

  26. While they declare as certainties things that obviously differ in the general credence they meet with, they forget that certainty does not admit of degrees, whereas probability does.

  27. Instead of certainties they offer probabilities sufficient to guide us through life; the only axiom which they assert as incontrovertible being the fact that we know nothing.

  28. You have your suspicions, but you need certainties to condemn a man, and certainties you have none.

  29. And the suspicions which such an anomaly would naturally suggest, are now made certainties by a fuller knowledge of the language, and the detection of a different hand.

  30. The theologian requires absolute certainty, and there are no absolute certainties in science.

  31. About the past I would suggest we are inclined to overestimate our certainty, just as I think we are inclined to underestimate the certainties of the future.

  32. Well, I think, on the whole, we are inclined to underrate our chance of certainties in the future, just as I think we are inclined to be too credulous about the historical past.

  33. Without the shy, fugitive, often unobserved sensations and the certainties which taste, smell, and touch give me, I should be obliged to take my conception of the universe wholly from others.

  34. Touch brings the blind many sweet certainties which our more fortunate fellows miss, because their sense of touch is uncultivated.

  35. To embrace its transcendent certainties with a tremulous faith broken by much unbelief, is sin.

  36. Never let the past limit your hopes of the possibilities and your confidence in the certainties and victories of the future.

  37. Then you are indeed a child of the covenant, through His grace; and the seal of the covenant speaks to you the certainties of its blessing.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "certainties" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.