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Example sentences for "cerebration"

Lexicographically close words:
cerealia; cereals; cerebellar; cerebellum; cerebral; cerebri; cerebro; cerebrospinal; cerebrum; cerecloth
  1. They are an interesting physiological study; the over-cerebration of the spiritual faculties among them occasions some very peculiar facts and phenomena.

  2. Such phenomena of unconscious cerebration are not uncommon in the exact sciences.

  3. Somnambulism represents a degree of unconscious cerebration that may have serious results.

  4. The more he has occupied his mind with the subject at the beginning, the more will this unconscious cerebration continue.

  5. This emphasizing of certain forms of unconscious cerebration probably encourages their repetition, or, at least, the repetition of further processes of the same kind.

  6. In the past unconscious cerebration might mean any occupation, with any one of a number of interests.

  7. Upon these considerations, the importance of unconscious cerebration is brought home to the physician.

  8. The thoughts for an article will often gradually accumulate by unconscious cerebration after the process has been consciously started.

  9. Most people who devote themselves to the intellectual life have experienced phenomena more striking and going much farther in unconscious cerebration than this.

  10. The scenes become so real to children that they impress them very deeply and are readily rehearsed in the unconscious cerebration of sleep.

  11. Unconscious cerebration (the occupation of the mind with subjects when we are not deliberately giving our attention to them) is a common phenomenon in human psychology.

  12. The cerebration is disturbed, so that while the patient is not unconscious, he is apathetic and has lost his bearings and fails to recognise where or with whom he is.

  13. Residual currents not sufficient to think this to an end; results of cerebration would be merely human.

  14. Beyond they disperse again over the cortex mantle to all the centers of coordination, higher cerebration and higher psychic activities.

  15. There is in every transaction of life an unconscious cerebration or estimate of the services rendered to us, saving each of us mental or manual energy, whenever we buy any product or service from another.

  16. That unconscious cerebration affects the minds or habits or acts of both parties in every purchase and sale.

  17. But cerebration had a chance to get in a good deal of its fell work during those three miles.

  18. It was something much more serious; something that made bodily exercise imperative lest cerebration around and around one little particular point should make him dizzy.

  19. For it was a very small thing that cerebration was busy on, even if it did represent a great deal to James; only a tiny paragraph at the bottom of the first page of one of the evening papers.

  20. Nothing beyond that was orthodox, as nothing beyond hypnotism and unconscious cerebration was orthodox with Dr.

  21. What process of cerebration was I guilty of?

  22. The doctrine of unconscious cerebration is thus expressed by Dr.

  23. I am very much tempted to quote two, which linger in my recollection, principally, I believe, because they were so destructive of the cerebration theory, besides being curious in themselves.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cerebration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.