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Example sentences for "cavilled"

Lexicographically close words:
caviar; caviare; cavies; cavil; caviling; cavillers; cavilling; cavils; caving; cavities
  1. In cases where a whole seam is stopped, it having been previously cavilled separately, the men belonging to such seam shall not be entitled to have a cavil put in for any other seam.

  2. This is to be seen from their statements, which cannot be cavilled at, as well as from the fact that several of them even to-day still doubt the correctness of the explanation which we are here offering.

  3. They cavilled about sharing the twenty guineas.

  4. Morel; and the butties cavilled for a minute over the dayman's earnings.

  5. She did not object much to her own part, but she cavilled suddenly at Janie's--or at Harry's relation to Janie.

  6. There was all the defiance of a world insensate to love, greedy to find sin, dull to see grace and beauty, blind to a woman's self while it cavilled at a woman's deeds.

  7. The miracles, properly so called, whether of the Old or New Testament, have lately been cavilled at with exceeding bitterness[615].

  8. Is it not enough for thee to have cavilled at the first page of the Old Testament on "scientific" grounds?

  9. Now, His words were disregarded, cavilled at, made light of, in just the same manner.

  10. In this early attempt to cultivate "the vulgar tongue," some cavilled at his strange terms.

  11. Oldmixon, baffled and mortified, appealed to his communicator; the most idle prevarications were alleged; and Colonel Ducket even cavilled at the wording of the letter which Oldmixon had published.

  12. They cavilled with the baker on the colour of his bread; they made the grocer their enemy by maintaining that he adulterated his chocolate.

  13. I cavilled at it awhile, that I might bring out to view its grimmest and most discouraging aspect The cares, trials, humiliations of a young physician, his months and years of uncompensated drudgery, passed in awful review before me.

  14. But whether men have cavilled at him for a dreamer or laughed at him for a tinker, they have been mainly foolish, for they have cavilled and laughed at the very combination which made him powerful.

  15. He cavilled in part like the priest Sabellius, who had cavilled like the Phrygian Praxeas, who was a great caviller.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cavilled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.