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Example sentences for "cauldron"

Lexicographically close words:
caught; caughte; caul; cauld; caulder; cauldrons; caule; cauliflower; cauliflowers; cauline
  1. They were now beaten and hustled by the tremendous seas breaking into and over them, and no other boat could have lived a moment in the cauldron of waters seething and raging around them.

  2. On your right is a slit, probably caused by volcanic force, through which the waters after whirling in the cauldron eventually escape.

  3. I am glad to hear it,” said I, “for I have feared that his name would not be known here.

  4. He then told me that a fresh ingredient had been cast into the cauldron from the foolish incident of the invitation to Guizot, and he read me a letter from M.

  5. Always assailed by sorrow and decrepitude and death, a living creature is being cooked in this world (in the cauldron of Time).

  6. Salutations to thee that art ever moving like wind and the other forces, that the controller of all things, and that art always engaged in cooking all creatures (in the cauldron of Time).

  7. Then out from the cauldron leaped a renewed rejuvenated Bumble several sizes larger than when he went in.

  8. The play began by the Commissioners taking to pieces Bumble the Beadle, putting him into a huge cauldron and stewing him.

  9. GIMEL--She said we'd be as thin as chestnut leaves Before she put the cauldron on again.

  10. Its crater is a vast seething cauldron close by the brink of the Firehole River, into which, in non-eruptive periods even, it pours 4,000 gallons of water per minute.

  11. And in Oxford he found the central point, and in that place he caused the earth to be dug, and in that pit a cauldron to be set, full of the best mead that could be made, and a covering of satin over the face of it.

  12. And lest he should overcome thee with sleep, be there a cauldron of cold water by thy side, and when thou art oppressed with sleep, plunge into the cauldron.

  13. Dagda possessed such a cauldron and it was inexhaustible, and a vat of inexhaustible mead is described in the story of Cúchulain's Sickness.

  14. Such a cauldron is the property of people belonging to a water world in the Mabinogion.

  15. This cauldron was given by him to the king of Erin, and it had the property of restoring to life the slain who were placed in it.

  16. Sporadic references to Arthur occur also in Welsh literature, and to the earlier saga belongs the Arthur who spoils Elysium of its cauldron in a Taliesin poem.

  17. As has been seen from the story of Gwion, he was set to watch a cauldron which must boil until it yielded "three drops of the grace of inspiration.

  18. In these respects it presents an unmistakable likeness to the cauldron of Celtic myth.

  19. The water-world of Tegid is a submarine Elysium with the customary cauldron of inspiration, regeneration, and fertility, like the cauldron associated with a water-world in the Mabinogion.

  20. Thus the symbolic cauldron of a fertility cult was merged with the cauldron used in the religious slaughter and cooking of animal food.

  21. To give Avagddu knowledge, his mother prepares a cauldron of inspiration from which three drops of inspiration will be produced.

  22. Places which were usually white with the foam of breakers, could not now be distinguished from any of the raging cauldron around them, and it was evident that Bob must run at hazard.

  23. Under the lee of the shoals this cauldron would disappear, while the mountain waves of the open ocean could not rise until a certain distance from the shallow water enabled them to 'get up,' as sailors express it.

  24. The man in the cauldron of boiling pitch, whom you set free, is a mighty magician; through your curiosity and thoughtlessness Militza came into his power, and he has transported her and her castle and belongings into a distant country.

  25. Over the fire hung a huge cauldron full of boiling pitch, and fastened into the cauldron by iron chains stood a wretched man screaming with agony.

  26. They at once proceeded to light a fire in the huge fire-place; then they placed a great cauldron of boiling water on it.

  27. Then it is hung over a flat cauldron filled with melted type-metal, and lowered to rest in it.

  28. When the bars of lead are put into the cauldron to melt, a certain amount of antimony is put in also, to render it brittle, and tin is added to give a brightness of surface.

  29. The women lifted a great cauldron on to the fire, that glowed like some sprites' cauldron of black-art; it held fowls and green things floating in the midst, the gravy sizzling at the sides.

  30. Now, when we passed the ice-fields the oar-captain would order us to fasten to them, and we would bring into the ship great chunks of ice and melt them in the cauldron by the mast-foot.

  31. And I beheld a huge yellow-haired man coming from the lake with a cauldron upon his back.

  32. And one day, towards the end of the year, as Caridwen was culling plants and making incantations, it chanced that three drops of the charmed liquor flew out of the cauldron and fell upon the finger of Gwion Bach.

  33. And he stretched himself out in the cauldron, so that he rent the cauldron into four pieces, and burst his own heart also.

  34. And he caused Elphin to put workmen to dig a hole there; and when they had dug the ground deep enough, they found a large cauldron full of gold.

  35. My lord," said Matholwch, "whence hadst thou the cauldron which thou hast given me?

  36. My men having revelled in a cauldron of hippopotamus soup, I serve out grog at sunset, all ships being together.

  37. These, in the brilliant search light from the ship which was now turned upon them full, fell like cataracts of liquid silver into the seething cauldron of water that raged below.

  38. That awful cauldron exemplifies admirably the method of progress stimulated by suffering.

  39. The Pool of Ness is a great, black cauldron of clear water, with berries above and berries below, and high crags red with heather.

  40. A cauldron of pitch bubbled over a fire, and the smoke rose blue in the hot hill air.

  41. And they set the cauldron for the filling of the bath on the blazing fire, and poured water therein, and took faggots and kindled them beneath.

  42. So spake he, and Arete bade her handmaids to set a great cauldron on the fire with what speed they might.

  43. As often as she belched it forth, like a cauldron on a great fire she would seethe up through all her troubled deeps, and overhead the spray fell on the tops of either cliff.

  44. This cauldron is surmounted by a roof some nine feet in height, in the form of an inverted cone.

  45. When the meal was completed, and we had thanked God for the repast he had thus provided us with in the desert, Samdadchiemba went and washed the cauldron in the pond.

  46. In the centre of the tent is a large trivet, planted in the earth, and always ready to receive the large iron bell-shaped cauldron that stands by, ready for use.

  47. There was a big cauldron with boiling water.

  48. He made his way to the field kitchen where there happened to be a small fire under the cauldron in which the rations were prepared.

  49. They set down the cauldron at the foot of the bed.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cauldron" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.