In the time of the Roman Catholique religion, when a world of wax candles were used in the churches, bees-wax was a considerable commodity.
College des Lombards, now the Cercle Catholique d'Ouvriers, founded 1334, rebuilt under Louis XIV by two Irish priests.
It was at the Institut Catholique in the old Carmelite buildings that the principle of wireless telegraphy was discovered, in 1890.
Our lord preserue your catholique person with increase of many kingdomes, and the augmentation of youre crowne.
Bennet was brought in, Besides my Lord Bristoll being a Catholique himself, all this is very strange.
But though I do verily think she fears God, and is truly and sincerely righteous, yet I do see she is not so strictly a Catholique as not to go to church with me; which pleases me mightily.
The declaration of November 17th opens: "I confesse that a practise in general was first broken unto me against his Majesty, for releife of the Catholique cause, and not invented or propounded by myself.
I confesse that a practise in generall was first broken unto me against his Majestie, for releife of the Catholique cause, and not invented or propounded by my self.
Yet the barells, wherein the powder was, are kept as reliques, and were often shown to the king and his posterity, that they might not entertain the least thought of clemency towards the Catholique Religion.
The Queen, perplexed and uncomfortable, tries to make a digression--addresses a remark to a daughter or proffers biscuit to a begging terrier.
Mr. Gladstone harangues her about the polity of the Hittites, or the harmony between the Athanasian Creed and Homer.
The increase of pay which he promised to be trebled: aduancement to the better sort: and the exercise of the true Catholique Religion, and safetie of their soules to all.
The principall catholique Recussants (least they should stirre vp any tumult in the time of the Spanish inuasion) were sent to remaine at certaine conuenient places, as namely in the Isle of Ely and at Wisbich.
To the end that he might subdue the Realme of England, and reduce it vnto his catholique Religion, and by that meanes might be sufficiently reuenged for the disgrace, contempt and dishonour, which hee (hauing 34.
I enquired of him whether they were Protestant or Catholique girles; and he told me they were Protestant, which made it the more strange to me.
Yet at Times they stooped to Drollery in the Height of their Passion, and one of them did make such Sport of the Roman Catholique Religion as would not have been suffered in the Adelphi Theatre.
He was in his earlier days twice president of L’Union Catholique of Montreal and is a life governor of Notre Dame Hospital and of L’Ecole Sociale Populaire.
He belongs to the Conservative Club, Le Club Cartier, the Union Catholique and L’Alliance Nationale.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catholique" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.