We have seen a craft very similar to these catamarans in use off the Coromandel coast, between Madras and the mouth of the Hoogly River, which leads up to Calcutta.
The boatmen who navigate these catamarans (they are called here janguardas) manage to keep the market of Pernambuco abundantly supplied with the strange, fantastic fish which so prevail along the Atlantic coast in equatorial regions.
One would be equally justified in calling the frail catamarans which are used by the fishermen in these waters, gondolas.
Outside, however, it was much calmer, but as the boats could not carry us all, the commander determined to build two or more rafts or catamarans which might convey all who could not go in the boats, and carry provisions and water.
The catamarans rode over the sea better than was expected, although at times we scarcely expected to see another sunrise.
It is very curious to watch these catamarans putting out to sea.
Soon we were surrounded with catamarans and canoes, with three or four natives in each.
Before we anchored, we were surrounded by catamarans (three small logs lashed together) and canoes--spears in them all.
He also pointed out the prime fault of catamarans under sail--slow turning in stays.
Continued efforts to obtain fast sailing by use of the double hull produced a number of sailing catamarans; of these the Herreshoff catamarans of the 1870's showed high speed when reaching in a fresh breeze.
The catamarans consisted of five mangrove stems lashed together to a frame of smaller wood, as in Woodcut 2: they are bouyant enough to carry two natives, besides their spears and baskets.
After launching the catamarans and securing everything found upon them, they were towed round by the boats to where we had fired upon the natives, whilst a party walked over land to examine the place.
We then saw several catamaransnear the shore, which we judged to be fishing.
At last we saw two of the catamarans above mentioned coming towards us, with three black men on each, who took us off the wreck and carried us on shore.
These catamarans merely consisted of a broad plank with a stick placed transversely at the prow, on which the black placed his feet.
The result was that crowds of my own people came out in their catamarans to meet us.
Every day we kept a good look-out for passing ships; and from twenty to forty catamarans were always stationed on the beach in readiness to take us out to sea should there be any hope of a rescue.
Before long, the catamarans came up with us, but although deeply grateful for Yamba's and my own safety, I was still greatly distressed at the loss of my boat.
In the morning I saw a great fleet of catamarans putting off from the mainland, and in a very short time between fifty and sixty natives joined our party on the island.
At this time we had a swim of some ten miles before us, but fortunately our predicament was observed from the land, and a crowd of blacks put out in their catamarans to help us.
The native catamarans are almost invisible, so that you see a row of standing figures from time to time on the crest of the waves.
I cannot think that any craft in the world would come through rough water as these catamarans with their long outriggers can do.
Scudamore did his part well enough, though the whole thing went against his grain, and the four catamarans under his direction were the only ones that did their duty.
How many there were of these catamaransis not quite certain, but perhaps about a score, the intention being to have ten times as many, on the next occasion, if these did well.
It became the main work of the year, with the articles on catamarans for the "Yacht," and the numerous drawings to illustrate them.
One of my catamarans would beat to windward tolerably well, but she did not tack quickly, and occasionally missed stays.
A little fishing village called Kuppam, lying directly on the seashore, sent out, even as Kuppam does now, its bold fishermen in their rickety catamarans in perilous pursuit of the spoils of the sea.
The catamarans have not disappeared, but great ships pass to and fro in the offing or lie within the shelter of the harbour walls.
A few scattered huts on the shore and a few catamarans out at sea were the only signs of human life, and the breakers that sported on the beach were the only manifestations of activity.
Along the coast of South India and Ceylon hundreds of catamarans may be seen dancing up and down the sparkling surf.
It reminded me of the catamarans I used to see on the surf at Madras, and I thought the boys would like to hear something about them.
Even this extremity of their formation was a mile or two to leeward of the cove, and all the craft, catamarans included, were drifting still further south, under the influence of the current.
Then they hauled their catamarans down to the water.
It was still only the grey twilight of morning, with a slight fog upon the water; and although through this the Catamarans had recognised the gig and captain of the Pandora they had done so with certain souvenirs to guide them.
In five minutes after, the sailor was asleep; and the sea-cook was the only one of the Catamarans who was conscious that the craft that carried them was only a frail structure drifting in mid-ocean hundreds of miles from land.
With this knowledge, it was a question for consideration whether theCatamarans would be safe in approaching the boat.
It is true that their manoeuvres were seen only indistinctly: and it was not possible for the Catamarans to come to any certain understanding, as to what sort of work was going on upon the island.
In that case the Catamarans might still expect to see the welcome ship when the fog should rise; and with this hope they came to the determination to keep silence.
The Catamarans now listened, expecting to hear some words pronounced in a louder tone; and yet not wishing to hear them.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "catamarans" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.