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Example sentences for "cardia"

Lexicographically close words:
carde; carded; carder; carders; cardes; cardiac; cardinalate; cardinale; cardinalis; cardinalists
  1. Bits of it come back to me at times, though.

  2. The black slums and passages were little gorges of flame and warmth, and in Morning Lane, where the stalls roared with jollity, I could even snatch some of their spirit and feel, momentarily, one of them.

  3. And as our souls, uncovered, would shamefully hide away, The radiant hands light up the enchanted gloom With the pure flame of life from the shadowless tomb.

  4. For some of us there is Beatrice to forget, and Dora, and Christina, and the devastating loveliness of Isabel.

  5. And Dad raised his dry ginger in salutation; while Mumdear allowed me to get her a port-and-lemonade.

  6. The old way was for the model to call on the artist, the result being that the unfortunate man was pestered with dozens of girls for whom he had no use, while the one model he really wanted never appeared.

  7. I remember, finally, sloughing through Bishopsgate into Norton Folgate, when I was down to fifteen-and-sixpence.

  8. First then he made a wall across the isthmus of the Chersonese from the city of Cardia to Pactye, in order that the Apsinthians might not be able to invade the land and do them damage.

  9. The lesser omentum follows, of course, along its gastric attachment to the lesser curvature the general direction of the stomach, passing from the cardia transversely downwards and to the right.

  10. In the isthmus of the Chersonesus are three cities, Cardia on the Gulf of Melas, Pactya on the Propontis, Lysimachia in the interior; the breadth of the isthmus is 40 stadia.

  11. Is not the cardia ventriculi the seat of this disease?

  12. One about the pharinx, where the oesophagus opens into the mouth, and the other about the cardia ventriculi, where it opens into the stomach.

  13. There are many more causes of stenosis of the pylorus than of stenosis of the cardia, so that, notwithstanding the absence of tumor, cancer of the cardia is often more readily diagnosticated than cancer of the pylorus.

  14. Thus, in a case of cancer of the cardia reported by Minot the pain was felt, not in the epigastrium, but in the left shoulder, the back of the neck, and the pharynx.

  15. If the vomiting be incoercible, it may be well to administer food for a short time exclusively by the rectum, and in case of stenosing cancer of the cardia this method of administering food may be the only one possible.

  16. As was shown by Rokitansky, it is the exception for cancer of the pylorus to extend into the duodenum, whereas cancer of the cardia usually invades for a certain distance the oesophagus.

  17. With cancer of the cardia it is often referred to the point of the xiphoid cartilage or behind the sternum.

  18. With cancer of the cardia there is usually more or less atrophy of the stomach, which is manifested by sinking in of the epigastric region.

  19. The results of gastrostomy for relief of cancerous stenosis of the cardia or of the oesophagus have not been encouraging.

  20. This seems to {539} be more frequent with cancer of the cardia than with cancer of other parts of the stomach.

  21. Atrophy of the stomach may be the result of stenosis of the cardia or of the oesophagus.

  22. Cancer of the cardia cannot be felt by palpation of the abdomen unless the tumor extends down upon the body of the stomach.

  23. The diagnosis of the position of the cancer in the stomach can usually be made in cases of cancer of the cardia or of the pylorus.

  24. The claim of Athens to Cardia was not good, and it appears from the Speech of Hegesippus against Halonnesus, Sec.

  25. A small aperture was made in the wall of the stomach and a red rubber sound was at once introduced in the direction of the cardia and great tuberosity.

  26. Terrillon to remove the obstacle that evidently existed at the level of the cardia entirely failed.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cardia" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.