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Example sentences for "caliver"

Lexicographically close words:
calipers; caliphs; calisaya; calisthenic; calisthenics; calivers; calix; calk; calked; calker
  1. The party had scarcely gained the centre of the court, when a caliver was discharged at them, which, though it did no damage, served as a signal to the rest of their foes.

  2. The heavier musket, fired from a rest, replaced the caliver or arquebus towards the close of the century.

  3. Then comes the short quick word of command, the halt and front, the trail of the puissant pike, and the ringing noise of caliver upon the hard ground.

  4. Other matter hath also come out regarding some transactions in which Caliver and Careless are concerned.

  5. Warwickshire was always famous for its bow-men, and the caliver had not so entirely superseded the cloth-yard shaft but that it was yet a dear diversion amongst the peasantry.

  6. Depositing his caliver against the wall of the turret, Winwike told his companion to look around.

  7. Before this curtain was drawn up a line of arquebusiers, each with a caliver upon his shoulder.

  8. His frame was strongly built, and besides the caliver he was armed with sword and poniard.

  9. Eleven other members of the Company had armour delivered out to them, as “one caliver fflaske and tuche boxe, sworde and dager girdle and hangers and headepeece.

  10. Ever and anon would come the faint crack of caliver or petronel from her high poop, and the thunder of her stern-chase guns.

  11. I heard Godby utter a gasp, and letting fall the caliver he stared at me a-gape.

  12. There are two specimens in the Tower Collection, of a caliver and a musket of the sixteenth century, from Penshurst Place, Kent.

  13. I would that all harquebuses throughout the field should be of one caliver and height, to the intent that every soldier on the lack of bullets might use his fellows' bullets.

  14. While Amos unstrung his caliver and lit his match, Dennis swept the Spaniards' weapons from the bench out of their reach.

  15. So when Dennis gave the word, he levelled his caliver with right good will at the body of men that presented so easy a target, as they came hurrying through the forest.

  16. It was so dark that no man could see the man before him, but each one grasped the caliver of the man ahead, thus guiding themselves through the jungle.

  17. Turnpenny, and the cold barrel of the caliver within an inch of his ear jogged his memory.

  18. Turnpenny levelled his caliver and fired at the foremost of them.

  19. Do you bide here, Amos, and keep ward over my caliver until I return.

  20. No, I will not climb the tree, but I will discharge my caliver into its branches.

  21. Upon this the trooper who had previously spoken, pointed his caliver upwards, and fired into the thick of the branches.

  22. I have already discharged my caliver into the tree.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "caliver" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.