Whenever nature does need encouragement calisthenics of some kind are advisable.
In some conditions which make walking inadvisable the use of calisthenics will be helpful.
When, in spite of ample rest, the abdominal muscles fail to recover completely, we have no better way of strengthening them than by use of calisthenics or massage.
You had much better put a child out to grow up in the yard by himself with his sandpile than to force calisthenics or advance physical training upon him.
In presenting a new system of Calisthenics and Gymnastics, a series of illustrations from original designs is indispensable.
There are no prizes for calisthenics at Merivale; but it sounded rather a likely subject, especially as he was a dab at it.
We come now to what I may call the calisthenics of the business, exercises which may be roughly compared to the technical exercises necessary in learning to play a musical instrument.
A complete work on Recreative Calisthenics for young children and Primary School Classes.
Calisthenics may be called the big brother, the grown-up form, of the setting-up exercise.
From 8 to 9 were calisthenics and some foot drill.
Calisthenics were necessarily light and not long in duration, on account of the lack of space on deck.
Their popular persuasiveness has coaxed thousands on thousands of us to go in for a few minutes' worth of mental calisthenics every day.
But if your body is shouting for joy over the mere act of living, mental calisthenics no longer appear so impossibly irksome.
Our calisthenics were partly devised, I am sure, to help us take the contortionists' attitudes necessary for this graceful exercise.