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Example sentences for "bystanders"

Lexicographically close words:
bysshop; bysshope; bysshoppe; byssus; bystander; byte; bytes; byting; bytter; bytwene
  1. Sörli and Hamdir then attacked Ermenrich, cut off his hands and feet, and would have slain him but for a one-eyed stranger who suddenly appeared and bade the bystanders throw stones at the young men.

  2. Hastily beating a retreat, he pulled off his coat, jocosely remarking that his wife would scold him roundly were he to stain it, a confession which made the bystanders roar with laughter, and which cost him his ham.

  3. And so will turn to us the bystanders In ever the same stupor (note this point) That we too see not with his opened eyes.

  4. Bystanders reason, think of wives And children ere they risk their lives.

  5. At this, Bersoum was confounded and the Amirs and bystanders said, 'Verily, the King understands geomancy: blessed be He who hath gifted him!

  6. Thereupon the eyes of the bystanders ran over with tears; those who looked on raised groans, and great was the clamour.

  7. Nevertheless, the bystanders have, until very recent times, pretended to a right to pass judgment and exert an influence on the remarriage of widows, and less frequently of widowers.

  8. Another sense of modesty is the opposite of impudence, shrinking from making demands or otherwise putting one's self forward in a way which bystanders might think in excess of one's social position or ability.

  9. The shocked horror of the bystanders is perfect, but the two ladies would to-day be quite in the fashion.

  10. She takes the ring, they kiss, and the bystanders sing a wedding song.

  11. The bystanders would not allow it, and the proceedings were all controlled by strict rules.

  12. On reaching this point in the shepherd’s story, the bystanders could no longer repress the merriment which for many minutes had been dancing in their eyes and, giving free rein to their mirth, they broke into clamorous laughter.

  13. Constanza with a jesting air, while the derisive laughter, more or less dissimulated, of the bystanders chorused her words.

  14. The mysterious bandit arrived finally at the Council Hall and a profound silence followed the murmurs which had arisen among the bystanders on hearing resound beneath the lofty arches of that chamber the click of his golden spurs.

  15. A branch of laurel or olive, symbol of purification and peace, was dipped in the water-stoup and the bystanders sprinkled therewith.

  16. While I was pleasantly engaged in a whist-party in the cabin, this fragment of a conversation between two bystanders reached my ears: "A spy?

  17. The Rebel bystanders clapped their hands heartily, with a certain unconscious pride that these soldiers were their fellow-Americans.

  18. Another patriot among the bystanders at the station promptly responded: "Good.

  19. A sheriff orders his posse; bystanders must turn in.

  20. He then weighed what silver he had, and finding that it only amounted to a little over six taels, he made one of the bystanders take a note of the difference.

  21. The bystanders thought he was joking, for they had not seen what he had seen.

  22. The bystanders would have killed him on the spot, but his wife begged them to spare him; and the priest let her take the fox home, where in a few days it died.

  23. The man thanked him as clumsily as he could and went his way, and the bystanders were again filled with admiration at their new governor's judgments and sentences.

  24. No one wants lights here,' and the stranger turned instantly and ordered the bystanders who had followed from curiosity, back to the inn.

  25. When he had ceased, the bystanders looked at each other and tapping their foreheads, whispered something about taking away the gun so that he might not do himself a mischief.

  26. It is pretty common for these miserable Patients to be sensible of the Approach of their raging Fit, and to conjure the Bystanders to be upon their Guard.

  27. Muckluck turned and flew down the dark little stair, threaded her way in and out among the bystanders on the wharf till she reached the Sister's side.

  28. The bystanders were horrified; the dread inspired by the soldiers was so great, that although many more in number, and all armed, they dared not go to the assistance of their comrade.

  29. The bystanders trembled with joy and admiration: never before had they been spectators of such a splendid navajada.

  30. He remained silent for a moment, during which the bystanders anxiously bent towards him, awaiting with impatience the opinion he would probably pronounce.

  31. The tent being luckily pitched about a mile farther on, the loss of dignity in the eyes of the bystanders was the only evil result of the misfortune.

  32. The butcher knows; the bystanders understand the signs; but it is perfectly insensible, taking a transitory pleasure in the unwonted attentions which are really the portents of death.

  33. Then from the pit of his stomach he uttered words which the bystanders interpreted to direct a certain line of conduct for the sick man to pursue.

  34. It was rumoured that bystanders had endeavoured to throw themselves into the fire to die at their side.

  35. One of the bystanders guiding her thereunto, she laid her head down upon the block, and stretched forth her body, and said, Lord, into thy hands I commend my spirit.

  36. We heard it again asserted by other bystanders that two priests were to be burned, and some said there was a little girl.

  37. We were rejoiced to find that several bystanders echoed our sentiments.

  38. Noticing a crowd that was acting in an unusual manner by the side of the lake, I approached and inquired of one of the bystanders what was the cause of the excitement.

  39. I took a woollen coat from one of the bystanders until the blanket should arrive, laid the child upon it and commenced to rotate it.

  40. He then called upon Meidias to specify all his paternal property, and restored to him the whole of what he claimed as such, though the bystanders protested against the statement given in as a flagrant exaggeration.

  41. She came up to the scaffold with a firm step and a quiet face, and addressed the bystanders in a steady voice.

  42. Many of the bystanders rushed forward and steeped their handkerchiefs in his blood, as a mark of their affection.

  43. A loud guffaw from the bystanders followed this reply.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bystanders" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.