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Example sentences for "bukis"

Lexicographically close words:
built; buits; buka; buke; bukes; bukto; bulan; bulb; bulbar; bulblets
  1. How thai suld delyte thame in bukis of stories of Vertues and Vicis, and of othir honourable dedis of alde Ancestry, and of wisedome.

  2. He gart the Scottis wryte bukis efter the vse of Sarum, and constranit thaym to say efter that vse.

  3. He brint all the Cronikles of Scotland, with all maner of bukis als weill of deuyne seruyce as of othir materis; to that fyne that the memorye of Scottis suld peris.

  4. Bot quha sa lawchis heirat, or hedis noddis, Go reid Bochas in the genology of Goddis; Hys twa last bukis sall swage thar fantasy, Les than na resson may thame satysfy.

  5. Knawis thou not Mapheus Vegius, the poet, That onto Virgillis lusty bukis sweit 20 The thretteyn buke ekit Eneadane?

  6. The last sax bukis of Virgill all inferis, Quhilk contenys strang batalis and werys, This ilk Caxtoun so blaitly lattis ourslip, I hald my tung for schame, bytand my lyp.

  7. I wait the story of Jherom is to ȝou kend, Quhou he was dung and best intill hys sleip, For he to gentilis bukis gaif sik keip.

  8. Of the barganyng or batellis of this Eneas, her in dyuers bukis followand; and of the beldyng of this cyte, and how lang his ryng endurit, in the last and penult c.

  9. The thre first bukis he has ourhippyt quyte, Salfand a litill twychyng Polidorus, And the tempest furth sent by Eolus, And that full sempilly on hys awyn gys; 15 Virgill thame wrait all on ane other wys.

  10. To let Freir Johne Scott vant [want] na thing for his bukis and pensioun: at command quhairof I gaif him xxiij lib.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bukis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.