The doorway of a lodge was protected by a kind of porch and hung with a buffalo hide.
It is told that an earth girl married the Man-From-the-Sky and went to live with him, but became homesick for the earth, and attempted to leave the sky on a cord of buffalo hide.
Some stood erect, wrapped from head to foot in their long white robes of buffalo hide.
About a month after this I examined the prisoner's condition, and finding him still lively and active, I provided him with a cage of buffalo hide, which was hung up in the cart.
After the first explanations why they desired my friendship, the squaw fetched several sorts of dried meat in leathern bags, spread them on a buffalo hide, and begged me to take the meal of friendship with them.
But I felt so confined in my room that I was obliged to open all the doors and windows, and lie down on a buffalo hide on the floor, instead of resting in my bed.
It was composed of a long robe of buffalo hide, with short sleeves, fastened on the hips by a girdle bedizened with beads.
Her mitasses were fastened round the ankles, and reached slightly above the knee, where they were held up by garters of buffalo hide.
They were evidently a war party, being armed with bows and arrows, battle clubs and carbines, and round bucklers of buffalo hide, and their naked bodies were painted with black and white stripes.
Some of them were mounted on horses rudely caparisoned with bridles or halters of buffalo hide, one end trailing after them on the ground.
There was the wooden scantling, and, unless he had made a great mistake, the shoulder of the captive was pressed against the buffalo hide on the left of it.
Phil noted his position, with his shoulder against one of the wooden pieces that supported the buffalo hide, and the lad now saw the way.
Upon these couches rested two long figures wrapped tightly in buffalo hide.
He put the sharp point against the buffalo hide at a place about the height of a man, and next to the scantling on the left.
That was how many horses broke loose when the Indian boys hit us over the heads and backs with those bits of buffalo hide.
Moko shook her white head sadly as she gave some dried corn to Star, then tethered him with a long rope made from plaited strips of buffalo hide.
Star reared and plunged against a small rope of buffalo hide by which he was fastened to a scrubby tree.
It is kept in a bag of buffalo hide which is never placed on the ground.
On the fourth day a woman of a Buffalo gens on the right or Hañʞa side of the tribe lays down two strips of buffalo hide so that the warriors may take the first step on the warpath.
To the forked pole of the medicine lodge is fastened a long piece of buffalo hide, with the head hanging down, and to this a strap is fastened.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "buffalo hide" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.