Brot believed in the corpuscular theory of light, and was opposed to the undulatory theory, and the good Abbe not being able to assure him that the instrument did not contradict his theory, Brot refused to have anything to do with it.
Every poast brot me noose that I was sevral thowsands richer than the day befor.
Say, thats al-rite about the Red Indians--corse they aint as numrous as they was once but there still plentiful in parts but dont let that worry you cause I been brot up with them and no how to handle them.
The like o' that yersilf niver saad, Pether Fagan, nor the mither that brot ye into this world o' care and confushon.
The sherry he gat on Molly Mahoney's little table to read the ryot act, and whin he opunt his mouth Phelim Macfarland flung a rottun egg atwaan his taath preceesly, and brot im to a spaady conclushon.
But the jewry brot in the poor felly guilty o' murther, and its all owr wid poor Rory.
Dear Sir: I have the happiness to acquaint you that your daughter was safely brot to Bed the 20th ulto.
DEAR SIR "I have the happiness to acquaint you that your Daughter was safely brot to Bed the 20^th ulto and presented me with a sweet little girl, they are both in good spirits and are likely to do very well.
Footnote 59: Then Brynhild laughed till the walls rang again: "Good luck to your hands and swords that have felled the goodly prince" (Brot Sgkv.
By our last Vessells from London we have an Account of the Choice of Mr Nash for the Lord Mayor, & that he was brot in by ministerial Influence.
These, and other Grievances and Cruelties, too many to be here enumerated, and too melancholly to be much longer born by this injurd People, we have seen brot upon us by the Devices of Ministers of State.
The Boston Port bill suddenly wrought a Union of the Colonies which could not be brotabout by the Industry of years in reasoning on the necessity of it for the Common Safety.
A Plan for Confederation has beenbrot into Congress wch I hope will be speedily digested and made ready to be laid before the several States for their approbation.
Was there ever a Revolution brot about, especially so important as this without great internal Tumults & violent Convulsions!
If she ad livd Mr. Pindargrasp Ide av been brot hup honest, and thats what I weps for.
The robots brot the food, cleaned the pendulum cell, oiled the machinery, worked tirelessly from dawn until the sun crimsoned westward.
Old Josh deliberated on the thing three days and nites, and finally brot in an award that Kohen should hav the wheat an' I should hav the prefferense.
The bedevild jewry went out, andbrot in a verdik agin me for fifty cents, and four dollars for costs.
The hospital at Romans is much praised: "Da selbst eyn gutter spital ist, Dar inne gybt mann brot und wyn Auch synt die bett hubsch und fyn.
Postman, he brot this here, miss, an' a bwoy from Mouzle brot t'other.
He'll not change; but still I'd have en hear me tell I'm in sorrer for the ill I brot 'pon his name.
The trouble an' loss o' Joan aged en cruel, an' the floods has brot things to a close pass.
So I've brot her, an' what blame comes o't my shoulders is more'n broad enough to carry.
Twas some dark doin' of that anointed vellun as brot her in trouble.
Feared to me as you'd stawl the awnly thing as ever brot a bit o' brightness to my life.
I brot a candle in an' stuck it in th' sconce so 's I cud see 'er face.
I notissed his bus-sum swellin with pride, as he spoke of the fruits there labor had brot forth in the failyure of so menney grate clothin furms.
They wus short and sweet, but sum how they brot out a orful lot of voters.
Purty soon the judge sed the court was open for bisness, and the sargent at arms brot in a feller all dressed up with a gold wach and big charm wot I reckernized as one of our ded beet subskri-bers wot'd dide last weak.
Soon as Maria and me had got thru our plate, the 'xcitement begun, and the ladies all brot round there books for to hav us giv em 10 cents, and put down our names for a chanse in the one lonesum oyster wot the stew had ben maid of.
The town has got a orful apropriate name, judgin by the way the mothers brot ther yung curs for us to kiss.
On such occasions it is not unusual for the most unblemished of Characters & sometimes the Lives of the best of them to be sacrificd in order to prevent "Transactions dark & mysterious" from being brot into open Light.
The Lord bless them that are out of humour and brot no wood.
This was the FUST letter, and was brot to our house by one of the poar footmin, Fitzclarence, at sicks o'clock in the morning.
This ugly Canady bisniss unluckaly put an end to our sports in the country, and brot us up to Buckly Square as fast as four posterses could gallip.
The shevalliay did not die, for the ball came out of its own accord, in the midst of a violent fever and inflamayshn which was brot on by the wound.
Such a letter from the ambassdriss, brot by the ambasdor's Shassure, and sealed with his seal of arms, would affect anybody in the middling ranx of life.
I picked up the paper for fear of axdents, and brot it to my lord.
Visual illustration, by the printing of a few passages in different kinds of type may serve to enforce some of the more general facts already brot out.
Mark says they brot all the sick to Jesus and he healed many.
Matthew improves this by saying they brot many and he healed all.
Luke goes a step farther and says they brot all, and he healed every one.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.