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Example sentences for "broidery"

Lexicographically close words:
brogue; brogues; broidered; broideries; broidering; broil; broiled; broiler; broilers; broiling
  1. The lady in "The Gallery of Pigeons" sits at her broidery frame and works tapestries for her walls.

  2. The lady left her 'broidery frame; `Through every castle window peered, With tearful eyes, the gentle dame.

  3. I should desire to buy more happiness with such a sum than could be stitched into golden broidery and seed-pearl.

  4. Thou wert best keep to thy broidery and such-like duties.

  5. If she would have broidery silks, or flowers, or any sort of women's toys, she hath but to say, and my Lady my mother shall ride to Derby for them.

  6. Matilda looked up from the broidery on which she was engaged, and beckoned to her the child thus praised.

  7. Bridget, girl, bring me my broidery out of the horse-basket.

  8. Afterbloom Gay was her garden as some gorgeous fabric Weft on an Orient loom, Star-set upon the sward quaint, old-time blossoms Wrought broidery of bloom.

  9. Above them towered the green woods; the meadows rippled from them with their broidery of flowers; the scent of the white May swept fragrant on the air.

  10. The man stood by, watching her with a humbled look, his fingers twisting restlessly at the broidery of his black tunic.

  11. After that the winter followed the autumn and the summer the spring many times, and the children played in the garden and learned their lessons of broidery and fair needlework and songs upon the lute.

  12. In the meantime she shall learn all the arts which become a princess to know--broidery and fair needlework, and songs upon a lute.

  13. And all the time we are doing 'broidery and fair needlework' to sell for the mountain people, we can be trying to weave our ideals as Hildegarde did, so that we may not miss the happiness that is written for us in the stars.

  14. Ebbo had looked on with extreme disgust, trying to hurry Friedel, who had delayed to trace some lines for his mother on her broidery pattern.

  15. See, thy brave mantle of triple-pile and golden broidery will not save thee from the gavocciolo.

  16. Was the broidery that of stars, silver stars," exclaimed Adrian, "with a sun in the centre?

  17. That broidery which my Lady desires is not so.

  18. At the end of those ten days, Delecresse came in with an order for some of the exquisite broidery which only Belasez could execute.

  19. Foot-cloths or broidery need I none to tell What fame will voice aloud.

  20. I would not have thy draperies on me draw The evil eye; to gods such state belongs, Not mortals; for a mortal thus to tread On broidery were to tempt the wrath of heaven.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "broidery" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.