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Example sentences for "breeding plumage"

  • These projecting, bristle-like tail feathers render it very easy to recognise the cock tailor bird in breeding plumage.

  • In breeding plumage, with short plumes on the back, extending three or four inches beyond the tips of the wings.

  • In breeding plumage, the sides of head and neck have tufts of filmy white feathers, eyes green, as they are in all cormorants.

  • In breeding plumage, this species has a tuft of black feathers on either side of the head.

  • This is much smaller than any others of our grebes; in breeding plumage it most nearly resembles the following species, but the bill is black and sharply pointed.

  • Adult female in breeding plumage: Dark sooty brown more or less streaked on crown and back; chin and throat whitish or pinkish buff streaked with brown; faint superciliary stripe composed of narrow whitish streaks on sooty ground.

  • The blue spot on the nape on which Meyer relies to separate the Basilan birds is a minus quantity in our five specimens from that island, though they are in breeding plumage.

  • Birds in intermediate plumage present endless combinations of the breeding and non-breeding plumage.

  • The Kentish plovers which attain their breeding plumage in the plains of India are certainly much brighter in color than any which are seen in Europe.

  • Approximately one in ten birds seen was in breeding plumage, the rest being in winter or subadult plumages, which are indistinguishable in the field.

  • Two of our specimens, both males, are in worn breeding plumage and evidence no molt; another specimen, a female, is also in breeding plumage but is molting on the breast.

  • There are two specimens in the Museum, both in breeding plumage.

  • There are a male and female, in breeding plumage, in the Museum, and also one in winter plumage.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breeding plumage" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    address them; also that; beat the; because there; being prepared; breeding condition; breeding from; breeding north; breeding plumage; breeding season; clear away; gently rolling; graduate work; justly proud; only wanted; president since; public profession; refrain from; sacred place; shaped mark; since yesterday; steer clear; take orders; well treated; whose existence; whose home