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Example sentences for "breadfruit"

Lexicographically close words:
breachy; bread; breadcrumb; breadcrumbs; breade; breadless; breads; breadstuffs; breadth; breadths
  1. At night, I served a quarter of a breadfruit and a cocoanut to each person for supper; and a good fire being made, all but the watch went to sleep.

  2. At night I served a few broken pieces of breadfruit for supper, and performed prayers.

  3. And likewise of Captain Bligh of the Bounty--Breadfruit Bligh, as they call him to this day?

  4. In front of them was a large breadfruit tree, and under its branches was a wild boar, engaged in eating the tender fruit which had fallen to the ground.

  5. I recognize it as the breadfruit of the tropics, and, cut up in slices and toasted over the fire, nothing could be better for us with our roast pork," answered the professor.

  6. The fire was lighted, the leg of pork cut off and fixed to a tripod, the breadfruit toasted, and plates supplied by large palm leaves.

  7. Her mission was to convey breadfruit to the West Indian islands, the planters having represented to George III.

  8. In the summer of 1791 he was promoted commander, given the command of the Providence, with an armed tender, the Assistance, and sent to carry out the breadfruit transplantation idea, which he satisfactorily accomplished.

  9. On arrival at Tahiti, she spent nearly five months in Matavai Bay loading the breadfruit plants.

  10. A year or two after his landing there happened to be a season of scarcity, owing to the partial failure of the breadfruit harvest for several consecutive seasons.

  11. Here we lounged at our ease, eating baked pig and breadfruit off earthen plates, and using, for the first time in many a long month, real knives and forks.

  12. Then there are papaws, breadfruit and other tropical fruits that furnish all the delicacies he may desire.

  13. The roof, composed of cocoanut palm leaves, is secured to breadfruit wood scantlings.

  14. A long table-cloth, consisting of bright-green breadfruit and banana leaves and ferns, stretched along the ground for sixty feet or more.

  15. Then they explained that, owing to the breadfruit having been blown off the trees while still green, by a hurricane, there had been a famine in their village.

  16. On each side were the plantations of bananas, cocoanuts, and other tropic fruits, while scattered here and there among the brown thatched houses the breadfruit trees spread out their huge branches of shining green.

  17. The bananas were few, and the breadfruit were not plentiful.

  18. Pig and popoi, shark sweetbreads, roasted breadfruit and sweet potatoes, fruits and cocoanut-milk leaped from the broad leaf platters to wide-open mouths.

  19. Gripping a branch firmly with these hand-like feet, Great Fern wielded the omei, bringing down other breadfruit one by one, taking great care not to bruise them.

  20. Popoi bowls and wooden platters of the roasted breadfruit were brought within shelter, and while the hissing rain put out the fires on the paepae the candlenuts were lighted and all squatted for the evening meal.

  21. The breadfruit ripens, and I fill the popoi pit.

  22. And when the season of the breadfruit had come and gone, one night when the rain and the wind made the earth tremble and slip, the people of Hana-uaua heard a roaring and a crashing.

  23. The sound of the wind and the rain in the breadfruit forest and the low roar of the torrent became only part of the silence in which those invisible presences crept and rustled.

  24. Since every man had a piece of land that yielded copra enough for his simple needs, and breadfruit and fish were his for the taking, he could not be forced to work except for the government in payment for taxes.

  25. My hearers screamed in an agony of delight, and others dwelling far away, or passing laden with breadfruit and bananas, gathered while I chortled and leaped, and made the mountain-side ring with Marquesan bravos.

  26. It was barely daylight next morning when I awoke, a soft, delicious air stirring the breadfruit leaves.

  27. They pass mute, falling like the breadfruit in their dark groves.

  28. I saw that it was a breadfruit and that I was under the greatest tree of that variety I had ever seen, a hundred feet high and spreading like a giant oak.

  29. In the dark silence, with no wind to rustle the breadfruit and cocoanut-trees, and only the brook faintly murmuring below, I heard a low babble of voices.

  30. So far as vegetation is concerned, the cocoa-palm and breadfruit are about the only kinds of plant life of importance.

  31. Illustration: A breadfruit tree in Java] The Dutch residents are called "elder brothers.

  32. Serena and the baby are in the breadfruit grove behind the village.

  33. Shortly before noon, the boat rounded a low headland and entered a lovely little bay, embowered in thick groves of coco-palms and breadfruit trees.

  34. The poet calls upon them to satisfy their Imnger by eating of the edible wild herbs--they abound everywhere in Hawaii--at the same time representing them as casting longing glances on the breadfruit trees of Leiwalo.

  35. Breadfruit and coconut were the woods generally used for this purpose.

  36. As they were so near Tofoa they determined to put in there for a supply of breadfruit and water, so that they might keep their other provisions.

  37. The breadfruit grows on a spreading tree, about the size of a large apple tree; the fruit is round, and has a thick tough rind.

  38. In 1787 Captain Bligh was sent from England to Otaheite in charge of the 'Bounty,' a ship which had been specially fitted out to carry young plants of the breadfruit tree, for transplantation to the West Indies.

  39. A few years ago a drought killed the breadfruit trees and the bananas in the district of Anaho; and from this calamity, and the open-handed customs of the island, a singular state of things arose.

  40. The cocoa-nut and breadfruit tapu works more swiftly.

  41. And after that he sought and found with no great labor a tree of the same species of breadfruit that grew all about their bungalow on the Hudson.

  42. As they put their supplies of fish, squirrel-meat and breadfruit aboard the banca and shoved the rude craft off the sand, both she and he felt like children on an outing.

  43. When our breadfruit harvesting was done, we took to the trail to complete this "dry-land dinner.

  44. I mean the breadfruit tree, which is quite abundant on Gueboroa Island, and there I chiefly noted the seedless variety that in Malaysia is called "rima.

  45. So he went himself and climbed the breadfruit tree.

  46. Who's that dead at the foot of the breadfruit tree?

  47. He said to his two sons, "Go and climb the breadfruit trees and bring the fruit, that we may eat them together and not die.

  48. Kosi, he is dead at the foot of the breadfruit tree.

  49. These young were observed in breadfruit trees within a recreational area; the presence of the service personnel seemingly had little disturbing effect on the terns.

  50. Two were in breadfruit trees about twenty feet above the ground.

  51. On February 10 a nest was discovered in a breadfruit tree near one of the NAMRU2 barracks on Oca Point.

  52. The natives make slashes in the trunk of a breadfruit tree and allow the exuding juice to harden.

  53. They work little; breadfruit trees, cocoa-nut trees, and bananas grow naturally, and the yam and taro cultivations are weeded and tended by the women.

  54. The natives soon came off in canoes, and brought breadfruit and cocoa-nuts.

  55. Instead, they spend many hours in hammocks among groves of orange and breadfruit trees.

  56. Kuapaa means literally "to harden the back" with oppressive work; it is applied to a breadfruit parched on the tree or to a rock that shows itself above water.

  57. My companion of the shallow planted breadfruit of Kalapana.

  58. Where the breadfruit was stored for preservation.

  59. For counting breadfruit they use pona, knot, as their unit, breadfruit usually being tied up in knots of four.

  60. The next unit, mano, has in a similar manner been twisted out of its original sense, and in counting breadfruit is made to serve for 8000.

  61. Takau now takes its third signification, 40, and becomes the base of their breadfruit system, so to speak.

  62. The Marquesan word for 4 is pona, knot, from the practice of tying breadfruit in knots of 4.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "breadfruit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.