From among the brackensthat grow beneath, so rank and green, rich crimson foxglove bells are peeping, and a thousand other flowers make this wild bank a thing of beauty.
We must not keep away the sunshine from the grass and the brackens beneath us, for all that has life loves the light.
Be that as it may, they are not very tall, but gnarled and branched in the most fantastic fashion, while in the open spaces between them grow heather and brackens of such height and magnificence that among them an army could hide.
There were freshly pulled ferns or brackens laid down as a carpet for the cave, and seats constructed out of the blooming heather.
The shepherd-boy lays down the book at last, or rather he drops it down the chimney of his cave, and it falls on the carpet of brackens beneath.
She walked home in a pleasantly contemplative state of mind through a field of daisies, and had just arrived at the hedge in front of the Brackens when the sound of hoofs behind her caused her to turn.
If, after walking through the entrance in the hedge that separated the Brackens from the main road, you turned to the left and followed a driveway newly laid out between young poplars, you came to a mass of cedars.
She walked home in a pleasantly contemplative state of mind through a field of daisies, and had just arrived at the hedge m front of the Brackens when the sound of hoofs behind her caused her to turn.
For pure gladness and keen colour nothing can equal one of these glorious October mornings, when the reddened fronds of the brackens are silvered with rime, and the sun strikes flashes of delight from them.
I could hear the sound of the troopers' voices and their laughter, and peering through the brackens I saw the little cavalcade go back to the edge of the loch where they gave their horses to drink.
It was the voice of Mary, and, startled, I peered through the brackens to see if she could be near, but there was no one to be seen on my side of the loch and nothing to be heard but the trailing of the wind along the tops of the heather.
What it was that woke me I know not, but as I lay half-conscious in the dreamy shallows that lie around the sea of sleep, I heard something stir among the brackens not far from me.
Laying a thick bed of heather beneath the rock, I crawled in, drawing back the brackens to their natural positions over a hiding-place wonderfully snug and safe.
Then reverently I happed him over with heather and brackens and turf which I tore from the hill-side, and laboured on until the trench was filled and I had built a cairn of stones over it.
Then I took them down to the loch-side and washed out some of the more obstinate stains, then laying them to dry among the brackens I sought my bed.
And there on my bed of heather beneath the brackens I lay and cried like a child.
Here's his bed," and he pointed to a heap of withered brackens in a corner.
Cautiously I separated the fronds of brackens and looked along the moor.
We passed through patches of brackens five feet high and gingers in flower, and were in a damp cloud all day.
Cotton-grass and brackens all over the country show the great humidity of Marungu.
The burning brackens and ling sent out myriads of sparks, and these falling around gave us a few seconds' start.
There are tall green brackens--brackens unfurling their fronds to the light, and full of the atoms of beautiful summer.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "brackens" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.