But Goddard only bent the further forward, and the bowmenlaughed the more.
Around him in a half-moon was a crowd of the French bowmen and arquebusiers holding their sides and laughing at his plight.
Then the bowmen and arquebusiers dug into the sand, making trenches in which they might find protection from arrows and small pieces.
When the long man had done, there was confused noise of talk for a while, and the throng spread itself out more and more, but not in a disorderly manner; the bowmen drawing together toward the outside, and the billmen forming behind them.
Most of the bowmen within sight were doing the like.
It is uncertain how far the archers with the long-bow could send an arrow; but the cross-bowmen could shoot their quarrels to the distance of forty rods, or the eighth part of a mile.
No instrument of warfare is more ancient than that of the bow and arrow, and the skill of the English bowmen is celebrated.
The famous bowmen were gazed at as curiously as though they had been wild animals, but were cheered none the less.
Think you that your ten chosen fellows are the best bowmen in all England?
Then up rose another great commotion at the door, and four-and-twenty goodbowmen came marching in with Will Stutely at their head.
Nathless, I tell you now, your wager is in jeopardy, for there never were such bowmen as Tepus and Clifton and Gilbert!
He and Will Stutely had lately decided their marksmanship, and Will had found that Robin's skill was now so great as to place the leader at the head of all good bowmen in the forest.
A fine stag had been struck down by one Of Will Stutely's fellows, and he and others had stepped forth from the covert to seize it, when twenty bowmen from Nottingham appeared at the end of the glade.
A dozen keen-eyed bowmen were there, and among them some of the best fellows in the Forester's and Sheriff's companies.
The sons of the desert had fought their way forward so far that the missiles of the slingers and bowmen could scarcely reach them.
The Cretans, however, supplied Greek armies with thebowmen required.
The Royal Kentish Bowmen were founded in 1785, but did not survive the war.
The Royal British Bowmen date back to the end of the 18th century.
In the "Ten Thousand" figured two hundred Cretan bowmen of Sosias' corps.
About the time of the institution of the Liege Bowmen of the Queen, a new kind of cross-bow was constructed in Holland, by one Vander Foheman, having many advantages over the old one.
With that weill neir thretty and ma Of bowmen com, and bykkyrrit swa That thai hurt of the Kyngis men.
Thre dayis on this wis lay thai thar, And bikkirrit thame evirilke day: Bot thar bowmen the wer had ay.
The hours passed slowly, and about noon the lookout reported that a number of bowmen were approaching.
Cavalry can do nothing in a dense mass of foot, bowmen cannot shoot confined; spearmen against swords are little worth, javelins sped once.
Or sometimes great companies of Mamelukes in mail, massed companies in blocks of men, stood covered by their bowmen as if offering battle.
This was true: from left to centre the Christian bowmenwere out, the knights pricking after them to the charge.
Indeed, it raged more fiercely than at any previous time, the slingers and bowmen being pushed up to the outer edge of the moat, and the machines of every kind plied over their heads.
The instant they were completely within the banks, the English bowmen along the hedges poured a flight of arrows, which threw them at once into confusion.
For within his mind he imagined, That when such matches were, Those outlaws stout, without all doubt, Would be the bowmen there.
Stronge theuys wern tho chylderin non, 5 But bowmengode and hende: He wentyn to wode to getyn hem fleych, If God wold it hem sende.
Take here a hundred bowmen brave, All chosen men of great might, Of excellent art to take thy part, In glittering armour most bright.
And we will cut our green claithing A little aboon our knee; 70 And we will on to gude greenwood, Twa bauldbowmen to be.
His great revennues all he sould For wine and costly cheere; He kept three hundred bowmen bold, He shooting loved so deare.
Then Sawny consented with Robin to go, 25 To be of his bowmen so gay; Thus ended the fight, and with mickle delight To Sherwood they hasted away.
But as they were riding the forrest along, The bishop he chanc'd for to see A hundred brave bowmen bold, Stand under the green-wood tree.
The kynges bowmen buske them blyve, 185 And the quenes archers also, So dyd these thre wyght yemen, Wyth them they thought to go.
Then Robin Hood put his horn to his mouth, And blew blasts two or three; When four and twenty bowmen bold Came leaping over the lee.
Yorkshire endured terrible evils at the hands of the Conqueror, as he penetrated its wilds with his famous bowmen and men-at-arms.
Robin then applied the horn to his mouth, and blew twice and thrice with it, at the sound of which his fifty stout bowmen came leaping over the churchyard, and the first man was Allen Adale, who gave bold Robin his bow.
Before all others I have chosen thee; Of a hundred bowmen thou’st be my head.
Strong thievës wern tho children none, But bowmen good and hend; They wenten to wood to getten them flesh If God would it them send.
These were the times when, at the battles of Cressy, Poictiers, and Agincourt, the French chivalry was completely destroyed by the bowmen of England.
The entire combat between the bowmen had passed without their knowledge, and Tayoga, quietly returning the bow and quiver to their case, and taking his rifle instead, sat down with his back against a tree, and his weapon across his knees.
The horn-bearers wore either robes or tunics; the spearmen and bowmen behind either wore tunics or were naked except for breechclouts.
The spearmen and bowmen weren't arrayed for battle, but for a drive-hunt, with the bows behind the spears to stop anything that broke through the line.
Do you not know that I am of the Sapphire Button, and have fivescore bowmen at my yamen, ready to do my word?
Without doubt fivescore valiant bowmen will soon be a-ranging when they hear that the enemy goes upon two feet, and then ill befall who knows not the passes.
Aye, our bowmengave the French a rude awakening--one, too, that will be repeated as roughly yet many a day.
Mayhap; but when they have English bowmen to fight against they have little chance to show their powers.
Immediately before it were deployed the trained mercenaries, including the Italian cross-bowmen under their own leaders, Dorio and Grimaldi.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bowmen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.