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Example sentences for "bovate"

Lexicographically close words:
bouteille; boutique; boutonniere; bouts; bouwery; bovates; bove; bovine; bovril; bow
  1. The full husband-land, or virgate, was composed of two bovates, or oxgangs, the bovate or oxgang being thus the eighth of the hide or carucate.

  2. The faber,[92] or blacksmith, whose duty it was to keep in repair the ironwork of the ploughs of the village, usually held his bovate or other holding in respect of his office free from ordinary services.

  3. According to a very common mode of reckoning, the hide contains four virgates, every virgate two bovates, and every bovate fifteen acres.

  4. So much as belongs to every bovate in the village;' this means, that the common depends in this case on a general arrangement of the pasture in the village.

  5. Alvingham Cartulary a deed by which John Aysterby grants to the Priory of Alvingham in Lincolnshire his villain Robert and half a bovate of land[467].

  6. The half-bovate is found to consist of twelve strips west of Alvingham and sixteen strips east of the village; the several plots lie among similar plots owned by the priory and by other peasants.

  7. If a bovate is granted to a person, so much of the rights of pasture as belongs to every bovate in the village is presumed to be granted with the arable.

  8. The hide appears as the ploughland with eight oxen, the virgate corresponds to one yoke of oxen, and the bovate to the single head.

  9. As to the bovate or ox-gang, it seems to be an unit only in the same sense as that in which the virgate or yard-land is an unit; the one is the eighth, the other is the fourth of an unit.

  10. With a bovate of 4 acres, our carucate would have no more than 32.

  11. A bovate of 13 acres seems to have prevailed in Scotland: Acts of Parliament of Scotland, i.

  12. There are 13 carucates of land less one bovate for geld; 8 teams can plough them.

  13. Possibly some general rule had compelled all men who held less than a bovate or half-virgate to 'add' themselves to the manor of some lord.

  14. These entries, to use an argument which we have formerly used in our own favour, seem to imply that half a bovate is more than eight acres and would therefore give us a carucate of at least 144.

  15. Thomas Neucomen, who held a messuage and a bovate of bondage land in Bradford, is dead.

  16. John Barne of Manningham, who held a messuage and a bovate of bondage land there, is dead.

  17. Roger Dikson, who held half a messuage and 1/2 bovate of land, is dead.

  18. Jordan de Stanbury, who held a messuage and 1/2 bovate of bondage land there, is dead.

  19. Adam Dykson came here into Court and took a messuage and 1/2 bovate of very poor land, which was of Adam atte Yate, to hold according to the custom of the manor, by the services, etc.

  20. William Wilkynson, who held there in like manner a messuage and a bovate of land, is dead, and Alice his daughter and heir is of the age of half a year.

  21. John de Oldefeld, who held a messuage and 1/2 bovate of bondage land there, is dead.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bovate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.