These different lengths are obtained on the bombardon by means of a combination of pistons: the simultaneous use of Nos.
The bombardon is used in the military bands of Austria, but in those of Germany it has been superseded by a bass tuba differing slightly in form and construction from the bombardons and bass tubas used in England, France, Belgium and Austria.
The bombardon in B flat or C, an octave lower than the euphonium, corresponds to the contrabass tuba in the orchestra.
Bombardon recognizes his friend, whom he believed to be dead, everything is explained and the scene ends with the marriage of the good and true lovers.
I believe he would have done it for the sake of the cornet; but before I had finished eating, up stepped a sentry escorting a man with my bombardon under his arm.
The visitor put out his hand, but as I offered him the bombardon he waved it aside impatiently and pointed to the cornet.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bombardon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.