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Example sentences for "bobtailed"

Lexicographically close words:
bobs; bobsled; bobstay; bobstays; bobtail; bobwhite; bocher; bocht; bocks; boda
  1. I knew a farmer in New York who had a very large bobtailed churn-dog by the name of Cuff.

  2. Yet that winter was marked by a series of Coyote raids and exploits; and usually the track in the snow or the testimony of eye-witnesses told that the master spirit of it all was a little Bobtailed Coyote.

  3. The little bobtailed Coyote had had rare advantages of training just where the others were lacking: she knew the devices of man.

  4. One in a black uniform with white plumes in his hat rode a bobtailed chestnut horse, the other who was in a white uniform rode a black one.

  5. He went out with a round knife, but the bobtailed devil had been there before him and had so mixed up the rye that he could not cut it with the round knife.

  6. The Indian added that the man he was seeking was followed by a small bobtailed dog, and that he carried a deer.

  7. The bobtailed Arab's lips were drawn back over his assaulting teeth in a horrible grin.

  8. But last of all his eye rested upon his bobtailed Arab, the shameless thing in an Arab country, where every horse rears his tail as a peacock spreads his feathers, as a marching Albanian lifts his foot.

  9. The bobtailed Arab's nose was up, his stump was high.

  10. Seti and his bobtailed Arab, two shameless ones, worked their way to the front.

  11. Let thy friend ride the bobtailed nag and pay the price of the grindstone and the drum," said Seti.

  12. He turned hurriedly as he spoke and fetched the bobtailed sheep-dog on its chain.

  13. Of course the nock must be of the same size in section as the stele of the arrow; and this furnishes an additional argument against the bobtailed arrow, which is smallest at this end.

  14. The quickest flight may be obtained with this sort of arrow, as to it may be applied a lighter pile without bringing on either the fault of a chested arrow or the weak-waistedness of a bobtailed arrow.

  15. Had it been the hawk, my little bobtailed friend might have been taking a dizzy ride through the air to some dead tree-top at that moment, instead of peeking over his rail to see if the coast were clear.

  16. On the main street he found one lone, bobtailed street-car waiting at the end of its line, its horse dejected with the ennui of its career, the driver dozing on the step.

  17. The Meeting at "The Bobtailed Fox" LVIII.

  18. Then a meeting was called for Saturday, the 18th December, to be held at that well-known sporting little inn The Bobtailed Fox.

  19. Another meeting at The Bobtailed Fox was convened.

  20. The thunderbolts fell upon him in the shape of two letters which reached his hands at the same time, and were as follows: The Bobtailed Fox.

  21. There was a meeting at The Bobtailed Fox yesterday, and the gentlemen was all of one mind to go by what your Lordship would say.

  22. This was a bobtailed crow, and he did not obey the word of command.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bobtailed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.