Pierre could scarcely perceive the dim, silent facade of St. Peter's; whilst of the dome he merely divined a gigantic, bluey roundness faintly shadowed against the sky.
Those bluey plains on the north and west were ancient Etruria; those jagged crests on the east were the Sabine Mountains; while southward, the Alban Mountains and Latium spread out in the streaming gold of the sunshine.
To hump bluey is to carry one’s swag, and the name bluey comes from the blue blankets.
Although I carry bluey now, I’ve sweated many a horse.
So she sat by her fire and stared into the bluey flames, her old head bent, her knotted palms resting on her knees, puffing away at her pipe of clay, seeing weird shapes in the smoke that rose quivering to the sky.
Joe tore off his head-gear, called the dog affectionately by name, and yelled for help; but Bluey had not had anything substantial to eat for over a week, and he worried away vigorously.
Bluey shook his head, relaxed his thigh-grip, and grabbed the kangaroo by the ribs.
Bluey took no notice, and only when he had nailed the kangaroo dextrously by the thigh and got him down did it dawn upon the marsupial that Bluey was n't in the secret.
Bluey howled and plunged until Mother came out to see what was the matter.
Bluey was n't used to the ways of people well brought up.
Bluey sooled him, and Mother followed with the axe to get the scalp.
Bluey grabbed him by the leg, and the parson jumped up in haste and made for his horse--followed by Bluey.
I see curious slim oaky-looking trees that are stripped quite naked below the boughs, standing brown-ruddy, curiously distinct among the bluey grey pallor of the others.
It is all terrible, taking place beyond the knotted, serpent-crested hills that lie, bluey and velvety, beyond the waste lagoons.
First I must get the bluey hills and the white spot into them, and then I'll shut them and see what you tell.
Look more, Hal--does you see a teeny, teeny white spot on the bluey hill?
The houses on one side are in quite hot sun; the other side of the street is in cold bluey shade, which extends more than half across the road.
Only one man of the thousands I saw was proportionably shaped; and one woman was white, an Albino, I wish I could forget her bluey whiteness!
They flew as far from the boats as they could, for, now that Bluey had been hit, they didn't think life in the harbor where the boats passed was so attractive.
They hadn't heard it at all, so busy were they playing, and it hit poor little Bluey Seagull.
When Mr. and Mrs. Seagull saw what had happened to Bluey they were horrified and quickly flew off with him, all the other little seagulls following.
So it was decided, and the cove was named Bluey Cove because it had been on Bluey's account that they had moved there.
Bluey was frightened almost out of his wits, but with the encouragement of the other seagulls he managed to fly off.
Was raised at Nevertire -- The town of Nevertire; He humped his bluey by the name of 'Dunn of Nevertire'.
Anybody who disagrees with Bluey Batcheldor must be pretty nigh the limit.
That's what Bluey Batcheldor said the other day when he came in and wanted to borrow a hundred dollars on his personal note.
Bluey Batcheldor was in the shop last week, though, when I was tunin' up and it disagreed with HIM.
Then there's Bluey Batcheldor and Emulous Baker and 'Gawpy'--I mean Freddie G.
If you'd just drop in there some evenin' and hear Gabe Bearse and Bluey Batcheldor raise hob with the Kaiser you'd understand why the confidence of the Allies is unshaken, as the Herald gave out this mornin'.
Almost see them shimmering, kind of a bluey white.
He's not going out in bluey specs with the sweat rolling off him to baptise blacks, is he?
The antelope was caught when young by Joe, and the hounds, Bluey and Brutus, under the following circumstances: Although one of the most timid and swift of all the ruminants on the great plains, it is also one of the most inquisitive.
Hounds like Blueyand Brutus run by sight alone; they have no nose, and the moment they cannot see their game they are lost.
Ever since they had come into possession of their ponies, Joe and Rob had trained Bluey and Brutus in such a manner that they scarcely ever failed to secure any game they hunted.
Joe and Rob were delighted to know that Bluey and Brutus were all right after the several battles, excepting a few bites which would soon heal.
I say, Joe, what a set of teeth and a strong neck old Bluey must have to shake anything as he does!
Gertrude's coon was caught by both the boys, assisted by Bluey and Brutus.
Bluey and Brutus, after jack-rabbits and wolves, if we only had something to ride?
Rob, a favorite ejaculation with him when he was excited, as he saw the cat lying perfectly still where Bluey had dropped him.
It took a long time," said Rob, who had really given more attention to training Bluey and Brutus, than had Joe, who had spent more of his spare hours in the camp of the Pawnees.
The happy little party left Errolstrath about seven o'clock, followed by the old hounds Bluey and Brutus, which were as anxious as their young masters for the excitement of the impending chase.
Bluey and Brutus were taught not to keep close to each other when on the run after rabbits.
Bluey first became famous as a shaker several months before his encounter with the lynx.
Bluey again proved to be a vicious brute, and kicked me in the chest, knocking me down; but the other new camels daily improved in their manners.
Whilst resting at the rock-holes I took the opportunity of giving Bluey a lesson in manners, much to the entertainment of my companions.
Bluey was a brute of a camel, and used to give an immensity of trouble in the mornings, galloping off at full speed when he should have quietly waited to have his nose-line adjusted.
The sprinkling of mountains of peculiar forms here and there, and the open country, which showed a bluey distance, were new features in the scenery, and most pleasing to us, so long accustomed to travel through a level woody country.
The country beyond it, to the eastward, over which our former route passed, appeared like high table-land in bluey distance; but neither of the mountains Bindango or Bindyego were visible from the country traversed by the party this day.
I could only imagine one bluey tint in a long line of ravines, to be over the bed of the Maran, which seemed thus to pass through the line of cones, and to come from high ranges about the 25th parallel.
The huge iron framework grew less distinct, assumed a bluey hue, became nothing but a shadowy silhouette outlined against the flaming flare of the sunrise.
And by degrees, as the fires of dawn rose higher and higher at the far end of the Rue Rambuteau, the mass of vegetation grew brighter and brighter, emerging more and more distinctly from the bluey gloom that clung to the ground.
Let's have a court-martial and try Bluey for conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman," it said.
The driver drew up to a walk, apparently yarning with Mungo; and I nearly tumbled off my horse when I saw him stop on the off lock, and wait whilst the swagman deposited bluey on the foot-board and himself on the seat.
The wind soughed through the naked tree-tops; the mist rose and the world thinned away in a bluey haze; this all vanished and slowly it became dark black night.
Beside the bluey trees long purple stripes of shadow now lay, with fallen clusters of branches, on the plain.
But when they looked into the nest in the morning they saw where the two bluey eggs had been a small pink egg—the colour of apple-blossoms.
They had a dear little nest, and two bluey eggs, and they were as happy as anyone need wish to be.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bluey" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.