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Example sentences for "blacktail"

Lexicographically close words:
blackout; blacks; blacksmith; blacksmithing; blacksmiths; blackthorn; bladder; bladders; bladdery; blade
  1. Blacktail deer were everywhere, but the wapiti remained invisible.

  2. About half an hour before, having given up all hope of seeing wapiti, I had decided to kill a blacktail deer for meat.

  3. Maybe we'll put up a jack rabbit, or a blacktail deer.

  4. While at the ranch house itself, I rely for venison upon shooting either blacktail in the broken country away from the river, or else whitetail in the river bottoms.

  5. There were few Oregon blacktail deer heads exhibited, and these were not large.

  6. We had come across tracks of mountain sheep, but not the animals themselves, and the few blacktail which we had seen had seen us first and escaped before we could get within shot.

  7. Blacktail deer I have generally shot at about ninety yards, at an expenditure of about four cartridges apiece.

  8. A dozen years ago probably twenty blacktail were killed for every one whitetail; now the numbers are about equal.

  9. Blacktail were not much slaughtered until the buffalo began to give out, say in 1882; but they are probably now not a twentieth as plentiful as they were in that year.

  10. Moreover, as winter set in, the blacktail deer, upon which the party had begun to rely for meat, migrated to the wintering grounds, and the explorers suffered even more from hunger than from cold.

  11. Neither Blacktail nor Whisperfoot had any delusions about them.

  12. On the way to Blacktail Creek she had to cross the divide, and when she had attained the Porcupine Butte she paused a moment for a survey, and saw a large herd of buffalo lying down.

  13. I took my lariat and my weapons and walked slowly up the creek, which was then called Blacktail Creek.

  14. She remembered the cached deer on the Blacktail Creek, and set out at once in that direction.

  15. The trip over the divide between Blacktail and Bear-runs was quickly made.

  16. She entered the upper end of the Blacktail and began to hunt down to its mouth.

  17. A blacktail buck has used you up as bad before now.

  18. And to this day my fair companion has not seen the Blacktail bounding up the hills.

  19. They were straining hard; the Blacktail seemed to be going more easily, far more beautifully.

  20. As the hunters say, "The Blacktail hits only the high places in the landscape.

  21. Blacktail mother with her twins Photo by E.

  22. The Blacktail mother with her twins kept on and soared and lightly soared till lost to view, and all were safely hidden in their native hills.

  23. Illustration: The Heliograph] The first day I was in the Yellowstone I was riding along the upland beyond Blacktail Creek with T.

  24. East to Lava Creek, 5 miles, for small native or Eastern brook trout, or to Blacktail Deer Creek, 8 miles, for small native or rainbow trout.

  25. The hunter may be after bear at the time, or he may be after blacktail deer or elk, the common game in most of the haunts of the grisly; or he may merely be travelling through the country or prospecting for gold.

  26. Once our dogs roused a blacktail buck close up out of the brush coulie where the ground was moderately smooth, and after a headlong chase of a mile they ran into him, threw him, and killed him before he could rise.

  27. Big-brave moved to Blacktail and has been living there ever since, nineteen winters and summers he has lived there.

  28. In the summer Big-brave moved to Blacktail Creek and wintered there.

  29. A second arrow ended the agony of the blacktail buck.

  30. In a few moments a splendid blacktail buck leaped into the open.

  31. The blacktail deer, the gray wolf, even the stately Tawny One, stretched in grace in his lair, wakened from sleep.

  32. He can venture forth with his rifle and kill Ashur the black bear and Blacktail the deer, and even old Brother Bill, the grand and exalted ruler of the elk lodge.

  33. He saw a pair of blacktail bucks spring up from a covert and dash away; but he only made one short, angry lunge toward them.

  34. In the long, easy-going summer days, Blacktail had almost forgotten what anger was like.

  35. The does and their little spotted fawns were sleeping too; the blacktail deer had not yet sought the feeding grounds on the ridges.

  36. The blacktail deer would not last them long; the trout were getting shyer every day with the increasing cold; they were a long distance from the nearest settlement; while winter was rapidly coming on.

  37. He began his work at sunrise the next morning and it was toward evening when Crestwick came back exultant with a blacktail buck.

  38. Illustration: Blacktail deer snapped with a background of snow.

  39. Late in the afternoon they came on three blacktail deer.

  40. Once, at a distance, they saw two or three blacktail deer, and a little later they came upon a single buck.

  41. The buffalo fairly swarmed, and elk and antelope and bighorn sheep and blacktail deer were all around them all the time.

  42. Blacktail is nearly the size of Lightfoot.

  43. Like Blacktail he is not nearly so clever as Lightfoot the White-tail and so is more easily killed by hunters.

  44. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blacktail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.