He pecked hard, and Mrs. Blackbirdhelped gently from her side.
Then she and Mr. Blackbird sat beside him and showed him how to grasp with his toes, and how to spread out his wings.
He stuck all four rows of sharp bristles like tiny pins in the ground, and held on for his life, while the blackbird pulled hard for its breakfast.
An early blackbird saw him, and swooped down upon him.
Poor Wiggle-Waggle parted in the middle, and the blackbird flew off with half of him.
In the continued singing of birds distinguished the notes of a blackbird or thrush.
The blackbirdsate quietly in its nest, rocked by the wind, and beaten by the rain.
Then all the garden wakes to sound, for not a bird is mute: The robin pipes the piccolo; the blackbird plays the flute; While high upon a cedar-top a thrush with bubbling throat Lifts up to this accompaniment her clear soprano note.
She never could turn away a tramp or a beggar from her door; she gave food and shelter to all stray dogs and cats, and a blackbird in a cage outside the window bore witness to her kind nature.
Like a great human artist, the blackbird makes no effort, being fully conscious that his liquid tone cannot be matched.
A blackbird slips up into the oak and a dove descends in the corner by the chestnut tree.
The blackbirds do not cease; the note uttered by a blackbird in the oak yonder before it can drop is taken up by a second near the top of the field, and ere it falls is caught by a third on the left-hand side.
His own meet with the like fate, a fox squirrel having been seen to emerge from a hole in a large dead tree with a young Blackbird in its mouth.
After going around half a dozen times, the baffled blackbird flew away without a taste.
It evidently impressed the blackbird exactly as it did me, for he scrambled out from under, very hastily.
A blackbird was on the ground eating, when a dove flew down and hovered over him as though about to alight upon him.
In making close acquaintance with them, one cannot help longing to prescribe to the whole blackbird family something to clear their bronchial tubes; every tone is husky, and the student involuntarily clears his own throat as he listens.
The youngblackbird has not the slightest repose of manner; nor, for that matter, has the old one either.
The moment a blackbird alighted on the grass, a sparrow or two came down beside him, and lingered around, watching eagerly.
The young blackbird does not appear in the glossy suit of his parents.
For some occult reason the blackbird seemed to respect this mild protest, and did not interfere again.
A blackbird came to investigate this youngster, so different from his importunate offspring, upon which both doves flew.
My first discovery made, however, during the blackbird reign, was that four o'clock is the most lovely part of the day.
Should we characterize it as a blue jay neighborhood or a blackbird neighborhood?
It was droll to see how this "meek and gentle" fellow met blackbird impudence.
Almost every tree had its pigeon cooing, every bush its blackbird in full song.
He had always had wide interests, and, indeed could still read The Times, but he was liable at any moment to put it down if he heard a blackbird sing.
A blackbird broke in on his reverie with an evening song--a great big fellow up in that acacia-tree.
As he spoke a blackbird came running with a chuckle from underneath the berberis, looked at them with alarm, and ran back.
A blackbird hidden among the blossoms of an acacia, burst into evening song, and another great grey munition-wagon rumbled out through the Park gate.
A blackbirdin the garden of the Square was uttering a long, low, chuckling trill.
The songs of thrush and blackbird are still glorious in the evening twilight.
Here no blackbird ever suffered for his raids upon the strawberry beds.
And, raising a hue and cry that was caught up by every finch and tit and blackbird within hearing, they chased the bewildered bird from tree to tree, scolding and storming, and buffeting it with their wings.
Jest fold our hands, an' see the swaller An' blackbird an' catbird beat us holler?
Where theblackbird sings the latest, Where the hawthorn blooms the sweetest, Where the nestlings chirp and flee, That's the way for Billy and me.
When Shireen, Tabby, and the rest were there the blackbird used to come even closer, in order that he might nod his head and scold the cats.
There was a saucy rascal of a blackbird that used to run about on the lawn gathering food, quite close to the children.
The birds of the air, the warbling songsters, The thrush and the blackbird uniting send higher, By adding their songs to chorus of chorus, Redouble her welcome and sing a sweet lyre.
It is of the ideal size for a bird, neither too small to be noticed readily, nor so large as the somewhat awkwardly built Blackbird or Starling.
A blackbird proceeded calmly to take his bath, in the fountain at the lower end near the meadow, one morning when I was looking on, and seemed to be fully aware of the fact that there was a locked gate between us.
Illustration: A blackbird proceeded calmly to take his bath in the fountain.
There is a curious story of the blackbird that its original color was white, but it became black because one year three of the days were so cold that it had to take refuge in a chimney.
A blackbird conversed with a family of wrens about it, and a linnet endorsed their view, that Lizarann was certainly coming back.
It was late, the load was heavy, and somewhere near Blackbird creek the team stuck in the drifts.
A more sociable bird than the grackle, though it travel in smaller flocks, the rusty blackbird condescends to mingle freely with other feathered friends in marshes and by brooksides.
Yet, of all the birds, some farmers complain that the blackbird is the greatest nuisance.
These two larks must not be confused with the meadow larks and titlarks, which belong to the blackbird and pipit families respectively.
The blackbird and the robin sought their scanty food on the banks of the brooks.
The cat bird, the wren andblackbird animated the thickets, and we observed also the great curlew (Numenius longirostris).
Still, for some reason or another, as yet inexplicable to the girl herself, the melodious carol of a blackbird singing his heart out in a cherry tree sent a pain to her own.
He watched her as she flew off, singing as she went like any blackbird out of sheer lightness of heart, and asked himself if this were not enough?
You know, Lady Mary, that the blackbird and thrush build nests, and plaster them in this way.
Hoist off those hatches my lad; the officer thinks we're fitted up below for the blackbird trade.
I says what I says, and I sticks to it, and if we only get these here blackbird catchers on the hop we'll let 'em see what the Seafowl can do.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "blackbird" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.