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Example sentences for "bitty"

Lexicographically close words:
bittie; bitting; bittock; bittre; bitts; bitumen; bituminous; bitwene; bitwixe; biuret
  1. Marse Billy had a son named Mark, what was a little bitty man.

  2. Little bitty mules pulled 'em 'long and sometimes dey had a right hard time draggin' dem big old cars through mud and bad weather.

  3. He plant little bitty patches close to de house and each li'l nigger have a patch and he work it till it got growed.

  4. We lives in de back in a little bitty house like a chicken house.

  5. You the cat and Bitty Marshall the mouse.

  6. Down the walk a little ways I met Bitty Marshall.

  7. And the first thing I done was to burst out with my thoughts all over her, and I told her about Silas and about Bitty Marshall, and about how his little store on the Flats was going to shut down.

  8. When we stepped out in the street, the water was an inch or more all over where we stood, and when we’d got six steps from the house and Bitty had gone ahead shouting to the wagon, Bessie Marshall looked up at Silas real pitiful.

  9. And the other thing that happened was that up in front of me come running little Mrs. Bitty Marshall, and her eyes was full of tears.

  10. So it’s out o’ Bitty Marshall’s pocket, is it?

  11. Only that you’ve been underselling Bitty so’s to drive him out and keep the trade of the Flats yourself.

  12. One day, when my elder brother and myself were training our beloved Bitty with a pocket-handkerchief for a bridle, and his head crowned with flowers, to run round our garden, who should arrive in the midst of our sport but Mr Jeffrey.

  13. These demonstrations on Bitty's part were met with not less affection on ours, and Bitty was almost considered a member of the family.

  14. I had known Mrs. Roach since I was a little bitty girl.

  15. There was a little bitty place on Elsbeth Street, and she said, "We just fish all day and eat trout.

  16. Like I say, he was such a little bitty fellow, and after she moved away we lost track of them.

  17. Our house have two big rooms and a kitchen and de boys and men have rooms apart like little bitty houses on de outside.

  18. We had li'l bitty cabins out of logs with puncheon beds and a bench and fireplace in it.

  19. Papa, yonder comes somebody riding on a little bitty mule with a dog following him.

  20. You be a little bitty one, hiding from a cat!

  21. It tuk two or three days to set up de loom 'cause dere was so many little bitty threads to be threaded up.

  22. Grandma was a little, bitty woman; so little that she wore a number one shoe.

  23. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bitty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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