But for this no hatchet or billhook would have been conducted to the spot by me.
His spade, pick, axe, billhook are masters of all that come within their reach.
Strong man cut down trees, not strong man cut off branches," said Pablo, taking up the billhook and setting to work to cut off the boughs, which he did with great dexterity and rapidity.
He had thought the matter out, and having returned the ladder and billhook to their places, pursued his way homeward.
Yes, there or thereabouts," said Winterborne, a chop of thebillhook jerking the last word into two pieces.
With a small billhook he carefully freed the collar of the tree from twigs and patches of moss which incrusted it to a height of a foot or two above the ground, an operation comparable to the "little toilet" of the executioner's victim.
Mr Billhook had taken the telescope and was narrowly examining the stranger.
On the ground at his feet lay a billhook and a hand-saw, and once or twice he stirred these with his foot, or made a movement with his disengaged right hand as if he were using one of them.
Set up the ladder here, Joseph," he said, pointing with the billhook to indicate the place.
His lordship decided not to hear the question, and walked on a little ahead, swinging the billhook and the saw.
Here he took the billhook and the saw from his assistant, and strode on, swinging one of the tools in each hand.
He came slowly down the ladder and, surrendering his billhook to Joseph, advanced and proffered a tremulous white hand.
His lordship, somewhat ostentatiously avoiding the eye of the inmate of the cottage, tucked his saw and his billhook under his left arm and mounted slowly, while Joseph made a great show of steadying the ladder.
Up thee goest, gaffer," said Joseph, handing over the little old lady's head the billhook and the saw.
Thus bellows roared and hammers rang until the sun was high and the Tinker, returning the half-forged billhook to the fire, straightened his back and wiped the sweat from sooty brow with sooty hand.
While with every stroke the bill took on form and semblance, growing more and more into what a billhookshould be.
As I have already said, these roses grew everywhere among the hedges, in garlands, in wreaths, and in canopies, and always looked their best where the blackthorns had not been disfigured by touch of billhook or pruning shears.
What a noble tree an elm is, if its branches are spared by the billhook of pruner or axe of woodman!
Surely no billhook or axe of woodsman has ever come near it since first it began to grow.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "billhook" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.