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Example sentences for "billetted"

Lexicographically close words:
billes; billet; billeted; billeting; billets; billfold; billhook; billiard; billiards; billies
  1. Our men were lodged for the night in a large barn, and the officers billetted in town.

  2. I was billetted on the house of Don Diego Ramirez, whose family consisted of four fat good looking damsels, two children, and his spouse, a garrulous matron, who was very officious on this occasion.

  3. We arrived at Borba on the 22nd of July, and were speedily established in most excellent quarters, our men were chiefly lodged in an old Franciscan convent, and the officers billetted throughout the town.

  4. In company with another officer, I was billetted on the house of an ancient widow, who was the most perfect shrew I ever beheld.

  5. As the luck had it, the same Highland battalion came back through the same village where they had billetted that night--or rather to the shell, the wreckage, the remains of the same village.

  6. I was billetted in a filthy little room in a sort of farm building and passed one of the most dreary days I have ever known.

  7. A lump sum was allowed for the past period, and an arrangement made for the future payment of so much per head every half year for each soldier billetted within the town boundaries.

  8. At one residence (where I was billetted for a time, that of M.

  9. A friend of mine who remained in Ghent after the German occupation, had German officers billetted in his home.

  10. The little sawed-off sailor in the Villa Marie where I was billetted made coffee for two of us each morning.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "billetted" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.