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Example sentences for "bicycling"

Lexicographically close words:
bicuspids; bicycle; bicycled; bicyclers; bicycles; bicyclist; bicyclists; bid; bida; bidarka
  1. That bicycling is a healthy exercise is a fact beyond dispute, as any physician who has the slightest knowledge of the bicycle will assure you.

  2. The best and most sensible bicycling suit consists of the uniform adopted by the L.

  3. I'm going to try a little bicycling of the most feeble description to suit a cripple.

  4. I don't so much care about bicycling for the pleasure of the thing," Claudia remarked.

  5. I hate to see women bicycling about these places.

  6. Still, to-day, I simply can not go bicycling on my own .

  7. I can't endure it, I can't do it, I can't go bicycling by myself.

  8. It was a pleasant change, at least it was an interesting one; but bicycling on the high wheel was never a popular diversion with Mark Twain, and his enthusiasm in the sport had died before the "safety" came along.

  9. The word "header" seems to have grown out of that early bicycling period.

  10. Such a day spread out before his windows set Michael on fire for its commemoration, and he made up his mind to propose a long bicycling expedition to the two Miss McDonnells.

  11. He also invited Michael to join a bicycling club that apparently met at Surbiton every other Saturday afternoon.

  12. But I also see, by what I have learned of bicycling, that the right and only sure way to learn German is by the bicycling method.

  13. When you have reached the point in bicycling where you can balance the machine tolerably fairly and propel it and steer it, then comes your next task--how to mount it.

  14. I was on a bicycling tour with another man.

  15. From four to seven I lay awake, the prey of a growing detestation of bicycling tours, friends, scenery, physical exertion, holidays.

  16. I should think it might be exciting to go bicycling on horse-back, but very dangerous.

  17. I go to the first performance of Alfred Jarry's Ubu Roi, at the Theatre de L'Oeuvre, with the Rhymer who had been so attractive to the girl in the bicycling costume.

  18. A bicycle was lying upon the roadside grass, and on the bank, looking as though he had been sheltering himself under the hedge from the rain, sat a young man in a cheap bicycling suit.

  19. The young man in his cheap bicycling suit was a new development.

  20. Another man whom he befriended was a one-legged man at Balsham, whom he happened to notice in bicycling past.

  21. But, just as my father would never have spoken out to me, no more would I ever have gone bicycling with my father?

  22. She went for walks on his arm; he went bicycling with him for long distances, full of air and space.

  23. After this bicycling became the one topic of conversation until the end of the meal.

  24. Unfortunately, the streets and environments of Torbali are in a most wretched condition; to escape sprained ankles it is necessary to walk with a great deal of caution, and the idea of bicycling through them is simply absurd.

  25. She changed her bicycling dress, and six o'clock found her at her desk, obediently writing from the Squire's dictation.

  26. And, indeed, instead of being, as I feared, the only man there in bicycling dress and knickerbockers, I found the occasion had positively attracted all the cyclists of the neighbourhood.

  27. Some weeks ago we published an article on bicycle-riding, and at that time promised to say something regarding bicycling for girls, which is so different a question from bicycling for boys that it requires a separate article.

  28. The sport of bicycling seems to have fascinated the Parisienne completely, and Forain has made a charming design, in which she is depicted in complete enjoyment of the fashionable pastime.

  29. Bicycling across a continent against the prevailing winds with all my possessions and a Siberian husky--that was *me*.

  30. I am bicycling across America with my dog," I replied.

  31. The entry continues, "By driving to a free lot in Arlington, parking, and bicycling the remaining 7-8 miles.

  32. Throughout my teenage years bicycling and self-confidence were inextricably linked, and I grew to believe I could ride anywhere, under any conditions.

  33. In ordinary cases the object of the artist is to convince the hesitating neophyte that the sport of bicycling consists in sitting on a luxurious saddle, and being moved rapidly in the direction you wish to go by unseen heavenly powers.

  34. He wore a white flannel knickerbocker suit, which he had had made specially for bicycling in hot weather; his hat may have been a trifle out of the common, but it did keep the sun off.

  35. From Baden, about which it need only be said that it is a pleasure resort singularly like other pleasure resorts of the same description, we started bicycling in earnest.

  36. Why are these bicycles of inferior make so prevalent throughout the land Or is it with bicycling as with all other things: does Life at no point realise the Poster?

  37. Two of the guests were bicycling slowly up and down the long paven expanse, both of them smiling with pride in the new delicious form of locomotion.

  38. I myself was bicycling when next I saw him; but he, I remember, was on foot.

  39. I was bicycling with dear Lady Rodfitten.

  40. The year I mean is the one in whose spring-time we all went bicycling (O thrill!

  41. We think, however, that bicycling would do your daughter good.

  42. In most cases of the kind bicycling does good rather than harm.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bicycling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    driving; horsemanship; manage; riding