I betche there ain't been a Injun on the fight here sence hell was a tradin' post!
I betche Jakie cashes in, with all that lemon in him," prophesied Happy Jack with relish.
I betche Andy just wanted a lay-off, and took that way uh getting it," declared Happy Jack pessimistically.
If I'd a been boss uh this outfit, I betche no blame cook on earth would uh made rough-house like Patsy done.
I betche he's in town right now, tearing things wide open and tickled to think he don't have to ride in this hot sun.
I betche he's laying low, right now, waiting for a chance to pot-shot us.
I betche yuh dassent stand and say that before Chip, yuh blamed old Dutch--" Just there, Happy Jack dodged and escaped getting more than a third of the basin of water which came splashing out of the tent.
I betche Bud gets us all pinched for that," grumbled Happy Jack.
I betche old Dunk'll make it interestin' fer this outfit, just the same," Happy Jack predicted.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "betche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.