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Example sentences for "betche"

Lexicographically close words:
betake; betaken; betakes; betaking; betcha; betcher; bete; betel; beten; beter
  1. Betche five dollars, even up, he runs backwards," grinned Happy Jack, and Weary accepted that wager also.

  2. Whereupon Happy Jack straightened and eyed him meditatively and finally growled, "Aw gwan; I betche you put her up to it, yuh darned chump.

  3. I betche he never had nothing but a plain old belly-ache!

  4. I betche he comes back full and tries to clean out all them nesters," Happy Jack predicted.

  5. Well, I betche there ain't no colony comin' to settle that there bench," Happy Jack persisted stubbornly.

  6. I betche there ain't a word of truth in all that scarey talk," Happy Jack fleered heavily.

  7. I betche we can't make it go; they's some ketch to it.

  8. I betche Andy jest wants to see us takin' up claims on that dry bench, and then set back and laugh at us fer bitin' on his josh.

  9. Aw, I betche there ain't no such a person," said Happy Jack, doubter to the last.

  10. I betche he's more tickled than sorry, right now.

  11. I betche there ain't been a Injun on the fight here sence hell was a tradin' post!

  12. I betche Jakie cashes in, with all that lemon in him," prophesied Happy Jack with relish.

  13. I betche Andy just wanted a lay-off, and took that way uh getting it," declared Happy Jack pessimistically.

  14. If I'd a been boss uh this outfit, I betche no blame cook on earth would uh made rough-house like Patsy done.

  15. I betche he's in town right now, tearing things wide open and tickled to think he don't have to ride in this hot sun.

  16. I betche he's laying low, right now, waiting for a chance to pot-shot us.

  17. I betche yuh dassent stand and say that before Chip, yuh blamed old Dutch--" Just there, Happy Jack dodged and escaped getting more than a third of the basin of water which came splashing out of the tent.

  18. I betche I could make as purty a ride as we've saw--lately.

  19. Well, I betche yuh don't pull down that money," he predicted vaguely.

  20. But I betche yuh never seen that roan before he was unloaded in Dry Lake.

  21. I betche Andy don't have no picnic gitting the purse away from that feller.

  22. I betche I got as good a show as--" "Sure.

  23. I betche Andy'll have to pull leather on that one.

  24. I betche there ain't another man in camp would stand for it.

  25. I betche I'll make 'em good and sick uh my cooking!

  26. I betche Chip and the Little Doctor won't get there in time," Happy Jack predicted, with his usual pessimism.

  27. I betche they'll kill somebody before they're through.

  28. Aw, I betche yuh never killed a man in your life!

  29. I betche Bud gets us all pinched for that," grumbled Happy Jack.

  30. I betche old Dunk'll make it interestin' fer this outfit, just the same," Happy Jack predicted.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "betche" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.