The time will come when Germany and the other continental countries will become tired of paying a bounty on the production of beet sugar.
Either the sugar beets may be mashed or the molasses which remains from the manufacture of beet sugar (as described in Chapter X).
In specialized products, such as beet sugar, there is often provision for a State agricultural bureau, and nearly always for general agricultural as well as industrial instruction.
Foreign countries, notably Germany and France, as to beet sugar, etc.
In 1908, for instance, New York repealed its bounty on beet sugar, and it may be hoped, with greater intelligence of constitutional principles, that all such legislation will be abandoned.
Beet Sugar "What's all this about Cubia an' th' Ph'lippeens?
An alarm contrivance to announce the passage of juices into condensing pipes has rendered considerable service in beet sugar factories.
Since the early history of beet sugar making, it has been noticed that calcic salts render graining in the pan most tedious; hence repeated efforts to reduce to a minimum percentage the use of lime during defecation.
He published a well written and edifying book upon "Beet Sugar," giving the results of his investigations and experiments.
Her other artistic passion was music, quite out of her reach at this period; but happily, she loved birds and flowers, both of which a Beet Sugar Farm in the Connecticut Valley made possible.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "beet sugar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.