Tha becom h['e] to dham Godes witegan Eliseum, on Iudea lande, and he dhurh Godes mihte fram dhaere codhe hine gehaelde.
Us becom dha deadh and forwyrd thurh w['i]f, and us becom eft lif and hredding thurh wimman.
This gelamp tham Fulluhtere Iohanne, se dhe waes halig thurh menigfealde geearnunga; and he waes gyt swydhor gehalgod, dhadha he dhurh sodhfaestnysse bodunge becom to sigefaestum martyrdome.
Swa eac ure hiht nebecom na gyt to dham dhe he hopadh, ac is swilce h['e] sy aeig.
The Canoes arrived on the 16th, and on the 26th they had all except one across, the Plains becom So muddy from the emence rains which had fallen, that they Could not get her over the portage.
They can make folkes to becom phrenticque or Maniacque, which likewise is very possible to their master to do, sence they are but naturall sicknesses: and so he may lay on these kindes, aswell as anie others.
Euen what it please my Lord, that shal becom him Du.
Shall I play my freedome at tray-trip, and becom thy bondslaue?
Library keepers "ought to becom Agents for the advancement of universal Learning" and not just mercenary people (p.
And I hope they may in time becom somwhat effectual to rais thy Spirit to the exspectation of greater things, which may bee raised upon such grounds as these.
Nor yet can it becom men of meane and base condition, to use the very same, y^t gentlemen & greate men may use one to another.
As scho devisit thai have done, His sworn men becom thai sone.
Thai broucht hym to the Erll in hy, 764 And he gert lows hym hastely; Than he becom the Kingis man.
The Unicorne and English Hope have lost their monson, soe we know not what is becom of them, except they retorned back to Pattania or Jaccatra; which God grant.
Ye are wreatches, poore starv'd wreatches fedd on crumbs That he flings to ye: from your owne aboundaunce Wreatched and slavish people ye are becom That feele the griping yoak and yet bow to it.
Stay, I commaund ye; He that puts forward first to this wild action Has lost my love and is becom mine Enemy, My mortall enemie.
This disposition in your Excellence Do's well becom you, but would wrong our iudgements To call one as a partner to these counsailes That is suspected, and ev'n then when all His dark designes and deepest purposes Are to be sifted.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "becom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.