But an insurmountable bashfulness prevents him from opening his mouth, except in a small circle of intimate friends.
The bashfulness of his nature made his wit and eloquence useless in debate.
That you were ill;--but I gave him a hint, that your extreme bashfulnesscould not support his eye.
If I comprehend him, aukwardness and bashfulness are the last faults he can pardon in a woman; so expect to see me transform'd into the veriest maukin.
Bashfulness is a great hindrance to a man, both in uttering his sentiments and in understanding what is proposed to him; 'tis therefore good to press forward with discretion, both in discourse and company of the better sort.
Bashfulness may sometimes exclude pleasure, but seldom opens any avenue to sorrow or remorse.
At first Jed's bashfulness was up in arms at the very idea, but at length he considered to ask Mrs. Armstrong for the permission.
No indications ofbashfulness nor delicacy are exhibited, by the female spectators.
Several cases passed under my observation, in which the husband was unable to use his marital rights for weeks owing to the timorousness and bashfulness of his youthful spouse.
Till then, nor shame nor aught could her retain; Now all was changed:--her bashfulness was plain.
THE eloquence he used, her fears and dread; Lest she might give offence by what she said, In spite of bashfulness that bliss alloys, Soon all concluded with celestial joys.
Where was the shrinking bashfulness of that one of these Princesses who had herself been so clamorous to Louis XV.
The apartments of the young couple were placed at opposite ends of the palace, so that the Dauphin could not approach that of his Dauphine without a publicity which his bashfulness could not brook.
Mr. Watkins Tottle expressed a hope that the Parsons family never would make a stranger of him; and wished internally that his bashfulness would allow him to feel a little less like a stranger himself.
Jerry staggering under the other: her bashfulnesswas gone.
How differently bashfulness impressed one in the case of the weaker sex!
Hyper-sensitiveness may cause bashfulness, but there are many thousands of hyper-sensitives who have not a spark of bashfulness in their condition.
Closely allied to bashfulnessas a cause of many worries is hyper- or super-sensitiveness.
To suppose that women so utterly devoid of moral sensibility could, of their own accord and actuated by modesty and bashfulness manifest such a coy aversion to marriage that force has to be resorted to, is manifestly absurd.
Urvasi, tortured, like the king, by love and doubt, suppresses her bashfulness and asks one of her friends to go with her to get her pearl necklace which she had left entangled in the vine.
I made a mockery of all the friendly overtures which she made so lovingly with all the coy bashfulness of her maiden heart.
Those who know me say that bashfulness is one of the least of my virtues; and, I do not think that I am constitutionally timid--so why this feeling?
Bashfulness might be overcome, but not the conviction that I am unworthy of her.
Perhaps I am not so cold and indifferent as you think, Count Adolphus Schwarzenberg," she said, with a charming expression ofbashfulness and coquetry.
How tenderly she leaned upon my arm, as we walked through the greenhouse, with what glowing cheeks, with what a blissful smile did she listen to my protestations of love, with what amiablebashfulness did she respond to them!
Wot you allowed in the innocents o' yer heart wasbashfulness was jest conscience.
The mysterious solemnity of their hieroglyphics, bringing heaven and earth together, like a vision in the Apocalypse, was imposing to the nurse and the child; and the bashfulness of their bodily sympathies no less attractive.
But he was slow in answering; and when he did so, his manner had all its wonted mixture of graceful bashfulness and gay candour.
His feeling of bashfulness had entirely left him and he felt not a little wrathful at this strange role which he was being made to play.
It was therefore passing strange that Monsieur le Duc d'Aumont still felt an unaccountable bashfulness in her presence when referring to the Stuart prince at all.
For my part, I will take Aristotle at his word, who says, that "bashfulness is an ornament to youth, but a reproach to old age.
I will not suppose that Henry can misconstrue it, and I will not let a childish bashfulness put my gratitude to sleep.
Catharine is a good girl, and my daughter; but if you make her a conceited ape by your bashfulness and your flattery, neither you nor I will see our wishes accomplished.
I recollect my bashfulness perfectly, and more than that, my fear of saying what I wanted to say.
After I had got over the stupid bashfulness which I had for the moment, I went (as usual with me) to the extreme of baudy boldness.
Meanwhile the flowergirl, finding herself in the King's arms on coming to her senses, screamed with bashfulness and tried to kiss his hand.
And now, while Malcolm thought his difficulties at an end, a horror of bashfulness fell upon Lilias.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bashfulness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.