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Example sentences for "bartered"

Lexicographically close words:
barrs; bars; bartender; bartenders; barter; barterer; bartering; barters; bartizan; baryta
  1. The bull or cow of the fool, bartered for a pea, is perhaps the same as the sun or aurora of evening, bartered during the night for the moon, or else meeting the moon.

  2. They would have bartered away their tools and firearms to the savages for a few handfuls of meal rather than work so hard.

  3. All the tools and implements which might have been used to rebuild the place had been bartered away to the Indians.

  4. They were friendly and gentle, and what gold they had - but it was little indeed - they willingly bartered for a few glass beads, or little tinkling bells.

  5. So they bartered away their muskets and powder, their tools, and everything of value of which they were possessed.

  6. They bartered the very shirts from their backs for food.

  7. In 1834, Captain Blenkinsopp came upon the scene, and is said to have carried the gun away from Kakapo Bay "without leave or licence," and bartered it to Rauparaha for the Wairau Plain and Ocean Bay.

  8. But not my vote--pardon me, my lord--my vote cannot be bartered in this manner.

  9. They said--I cannot bear to repeat or to think of what they said--you cannot have bartered your public reputation for a marquisate for my father!

  10. My employer congratulated me on my investment, and assured me that if the people ever overthrew the Reconstruction usurpers the public domain would no longer be bartered away for chips and whetstones.

  11. Pasture lands that he had scorned at ten cents an acre but a decade before were eagerly sought at two and three dollars, and the cattle that he had bartered away he bought back at double and triple their former prices.

  12. Two respectable shopkeepers in the country say that the goods which knitters have bartered at their shops for provisions were said to have been got at higher nominal prices than those charged for the same things by them.

  13. In many cases they have sold the goods obtained at the shop, or bartered them with neighbours, for potatoes or meal.

  14. No; the only profit I ever made by the hosiery was if we had any profit on the goods that we bartered for them.

  15. I suppose she had bartered her knitting for the soap in some place.

  16. Who have you bartered your lines with in that way?

  17. Your country, which has defied conquest for a thousand years, was to be bartered away that one man might live in luxury on his miserable blood-money.

  18. I have blushed with shame to read of those, who, calling themselves her sons, would have bartered away her liberty for gold.

  19. The natives bartered ornaments of mother-of-pearl for knives and wine.

  20. Was it for this I wandered far, and bartered Eden’s bliss?

  21. When thou hast bartered peace, outshining clear And storm-tossed wide, art wildly driven hence, The outer world gives thee no recompense.

  22. Not far away the wind-worn flag of the British Empire was floating over a Hudson Bay Company's post that had bartered in the trades of the North for more than a hundred years.

  23. Always this dog was sleeping at his feet or dragging himself wearily at his heels when Dirty Fingers elected to make a journey to the little store where he bartered for food and necessities.

  24. From thëce he entred the riuer of Tauasco, which Grijalua hadde so named, in the whiche place he bartered for things of small value.

  25. We should have been obliged to say that without her knowledge we had bartered away to the Power threatening her our obligation to keep our plighted word.

  26. The temptation of riches changed my angel into a demon, a miserable woman bartered for gold!

  27. My dear sir, your tone and manner remind me of the wicked spirit at the horrible moment in the story when he comes to demand the bartered soul, and the enchanted castle falls a wreck!

  28. What did the vendor feel who bartered his right for a small price because he had overlooked the pearl?

  29. She felt that she would have bartered a little splendour against a little more liveliness.

  30. The sole article of traffic with the Indians, their furs, is bartered for the necessaries of life; and these furs can only be procured by the men.

  31. As the Indians had no money and nothing else of commercial value to him, he bartered for the trophies of victory which the proud chiefs carried suspended from their belts.

  32. Don Juan told me that he had been visited by a number of Indians, who had bartered him some blankets and buckskins and he was highly pleased thereat.

  33. They also sow much rice and cotton; the latter of which comes to great perfection, and is manufactured into striped cloths, which are exported to the country of the Negroes, and bartered for black slaves.

  34. Finding them thus gentle, contrary to his expectation, he went on land with his men, and bartered red night- caps with the Negroes, for ivory bracelets which they wore on their arms.

  35. The Tartars insisted that I was possessed of pearls, and even plundered me of some merchandize I had purchased in Derbent, intending to have bartered it in this place for a good horse to carry me during the rest of my journey.

  36. Gold is the best and principal commodity which comes through the country of the Azanhaji, and a part of it is brought every year from Hoden to Arguin, where it is bartered with the Portuguese[7].

  37. They bartered several things on shore, such as bracelets of brass and copper, pewter, and other European articles, for the productions of the country, as freely and quietly as if they had been in Lisbon.

  38. That is how I bartered myself away in marriage to Maurice Stair.

  39. I not bartered my substance, and my hopes, and the pleasures of this world for my unmoving, unswerving faith in the Great Cause?

  40. He sailed thither, touching at Trinidad, as if on his way to Virginia; and the Spaniards, deluded by this belief, entered into friendly relations and bartered various commodities with him.

  41. She has bartered her birthright of nobility and sold her soul to crawling sycophants.

  42. He also took with him all the gold we had bartered for, the cotton stuffs presented us by the Indians, and our sick.

  43. And sure enough the words were, After you have bartered for as many precious things as possible, you shall return home.

  44. We also proposed that all the gold we had bartered for, and the presents sent by Motecusuma, should be forwarded to his majesty.

  45. Not a youth there but would have bartered fifty years of his future for that salute.

  46. For that snub she would just then have bartered all the homage she had hoarded.

  47. They bartered their maize with other tribes for skins with which they clothed themselves.

  48. After the savages had bartered their articles of merchandise and had resolved to return, I asked them to take with them two young men, to treat them in a friendly manner, show them the country, and bind themselves to bring them back.

  49. After they had bartered what little they had, they separated into three parties; one for the war, another for the great fall, another for a little river which flows into that of the great fall.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bartered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.