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Example sentences for "barbarised"

Lexicographically close words:
barbarian; barbarians; barbaric; barbarically; barbaris; barbarism; barbarisms; barbarities; barbarity; barbarized
  1. Commerce was extinct; agriculture abandoned; innumerable villages were lying in ruins; the population was barbarised by the savage warfare with which for years past it had avenged its own sufferings upon the invader.

  2. Turkish and Albanian influences had barbarised the vocabulary; centuries of ignorance had given play to every natural irregularity of local dialect.

  3. The Rabbinical disputes with the Jews about justification and election have disappeared; the danger ahead is now from theosophy and the barbarised Platonism which was afterwards matured in Gnosticism.

  4. Science has been the slowly advancing Nemesis which has overtaken a barbarised and paganised Christianity.

  5. And barbarised Christianity, even before it became heretical, was something new, something very different in temper and beauty from the pagan Christianity of the South and East.

  6. But in truth they barbarised Christianity just as Greek philosophy and worship and Roman habits of administration had paganised it in the beginning.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "barbarised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.