A framework of bamboos is supported on four trunks of trees, the roof is thatched with cogon (elephant grass) and the sides are closed in by canes, bamboos or pine planks.
The leaves rustle, the feathery bamboos incline before the blast, the sky darkens, the cataracts of heaven are loosed, and the water tumbles down in torrents.
Portrait of the Author Frontispiece View on the Pasig with Bamboosand Canoe To face p.
The trace was en cremaillere, the section being 6 feet thick at the top and 8 feet high, the exterior face vertical, with a revetment of bamboos fastened together with rattans.
I can only compare a fine clump of bamboos to a giant plume of green ostrich feathers.
They could also cut bamboos for their fences or roofs and collect firewood.
The only obstacles are the small rivers and creeks, mostly fordable, and having clumps of bamboos growing on their banks providing a perfect material for temporary bridges or for making rafts.
The wood is too heavy to float, and bundles ofbamboos are attached to it to give it buoyancy.
In this court too there are no peach or apricot trees and these bamboos already are green in themselves, so were this shade of green gauze to be put up again, it would, instead of improving matters, not harmonise with the surroundings.
With quick drip drops the rain on the distantbamboos and vacant sills.
Half a dozen Bamboos or sticks were procured also, the use of which we afterwards understood and saw.
I know so well what the artist means; and they could not know, unless they had seen bamboos,--and bamboos peculiarly situated.
Over there, where the river goes into the sea and the bamboos grow almost into the sky, he built a little nipa house.
They found him, senor, in the bamboos by the river, midst the rotting remains of an old hut.
Some bamboos grew a short way off, and Macco, running to them, soon cut several pieces, leaving the knots at the ends to serve as bottoms; we thus in a few minutes were each supplied with a serviceable cup.
I found that he had brought several bamboos full of water, as also a supply of sago-cake and rice.
I did so, and found that he had supplied her with a pair of oars and a number of bamboos of water, as well as a supply of rice and fish and other articles of food.
The creepers were thorny, even the bamboos were thorny, while shrubs grew in a zig-zag and jagged fashion, forming an inextricable tangle, through which it was difficult to cut our way.
As we passed the house, our uncle and Oliver snatched up some large bamboos and ropes to assist them in getting our friends on shore.
Presently it caught the dried bamboos which formed the flooring, and in a few seconds the whole building was in flames.
As the stalks of the bamboos were cut down, they were formed into bundles of a size which we could manage to drag over the ground to the site of the house.
He then secured some upright bamboos to the pieces which had thus been stuck in one above another.
We first stuck into the ground a number of stout bamboos, and then secured, at about six feet from the ground, to the uprights, horizontally, some bamboos almost of the same thickness.
The canoes row past the roem sram or clubhouse where the young men live; and as they pass, the grimy-faced slayers fling as many pointed sticks or bamboos at the house as they have killed enemies.
At the sound of the clinking the women begin to wail and the men to march; tramp, tramp they go like one man through the village from end to end, throwing stones into the houses and all about and beating the bamboos together.
Yes, both together, and when we are sheltered by the bamboos from the blacks we must rise, take a few quick steps forward together and club the wretch.
But the man was so intent upon his duty of watching the brig, that he did not hear; and as they came on and on there were the toes twitching and jerking about uneasily, and the bamboos amongst which he lay gently waved.
It is commonly maintained to this day that there are clumps of bamboos forking downwards to be found in plenty on the Hill of Raitong.
The sharati of U Raitong, which he planted in the earth as he was about to leap to his doom, took root, and a clump of bamboos grew from it, distinguishable from all other bamboos by having their branches forking downwards.
The door was locked, and there was no lookout except through the chinks between the bamboos which formed the sides.
Some bamboos and young trees were cut down to form a stockade, fires were lighted, sails were spread to form tents, and every preparation was made for passing the night.
The natives tied the legs together, placed long bamboos between them, and carried the animals off, in triumph, to the camp.
About three feet from the ground there is a stage of bamboos which forms the floor.
The marshy places which I saw covered withbamboos are cultivated and drained.
By the time we got to the place, however, he had retreated into his hole in the ground; we had therefore to dig him out, and as soon as he appeared all the men struck him with their bamboos until they killed him.
This hangs from the ceiling, or rather from some bamboosplaced upon the ceiling.
We passed over a dreary district, generally too dry for anything but cactus and acacias, but now and then, when a little water was to be found, displaying clumps of bamboos with their elegant feathery tufts.
Sometimes we came upon a swamp, where clusters of bamboos were growing, crowned with tufts of pointed leaves; or had a glimpse for a moment of a group of royal palms upon the rising ground.
You promise to hide in the bamboos there, if searchers should come in this direction?
A dozen of the light bamboos were cut to this length.
The next time they halted, Bathalda made the rest of the bamboos into arrows and, making a quiver of the bark of a tree, hung them over his shoulder.
We also took in tow a raft constructed of the long bamboos we had brought from Bahia.
Different species of bamboos gave quite a peculiar aspect to the scenery in some places, and still greater variety was secured by long pendant masses of feathery grey moss and lichens.
The framework of the roof was formed of bamboos lashed together, and resting on grooves which we cut with much toil in the tops of the wall posts.
On all the dancing-grounds long bamboos were in readiness, loaded with yams and flowers, as presents to the host.
At the back of the house, there stood five hollow trunks, with bamboos leading into them.
Stone lanterns, green with moss, peeped through clumps of papery bamboos where bronze storks were pretending to feed.
Tree ferns sprouted on the ground and azaleas mixed with the ferns, and there were bamboos over all.
A wall of bamboos shuts off the course and the grand-stand from the cemeteries.
The slight wounds made by these bamboos brought on lock-jaw, and too often terminated fatally.
These are equally strong, with the peculiarity that if you fire cannon at them the bamboos yield, admit the shot, and then close again.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bamboos" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.