After making the tour of Balata the most appropriate thing to take next seems to be a Turkish bath.
The balata has been returned to its owner and regret has been expressed to President Castro.
Trouble has been experienced for the past few months in connexion with the balata trade, and British officers have been keenly alert to prevent illicit trading.
The work at Balata was under the direction of Prof.
Additional material on Ophel andBalata is given in the Appendix, p.
At Balata the foundations of old Hebrew houses were discovered, together with a portion of the Amorite city-wall, which was thick and oblique.
At Balata it is said that the city gate of ancient Shechem was uncovered.
Then he makes a dabree, a large tray about half a foot deep, in which balata latex is coagulated.
Balata is the product of a tree which flourishes in the forests of British Guiana, a little-known but magnificent country in the north-eastern corner of South America.
They are employed, under contract, by companies who hold licences to collect balata from such or such tracts of the forest, called "grants.
He explained to his chum Osman that Balata was "played out," at least for a time, and that they must go elsewhere to satisfy their needs.
Timber is cut, and balata and rubber collected, from crown lands by licences issued from the department of Lands and Mines.
As the latex flows freely the trees are tapped by making incisions in the same fashion as in india-rubber trees, and the balata is obtained by evaporating the milky fluid.
The properties of balata correspond with its composition, and it may therefore be classed as an inferior gutta percha.
The latex which furnishesbalata is secreted in the cortex between the bark and wood of the tree.
Cloth prepared with paraffin, balata gum, the gum of the asclet pias or milkweed, naphtha solution of the dried pulp of the bamboo berry, anhydrous aluminum soaps (see pp.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "balata" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.