The bischope Beik and Robert Bruce baid still, 155 With ten thousand, at Noram at thair will.
Off sa few folk gret nobilness was kend, 160 To gydder baid defendand thaim full fast; Durst nane seuer quhill the maist press was past.
He tuk the strenth magre thar fayis will; Abandonly in bargan baid thar still.
On thair enemyss gret martirdome thai maik, Thar hardy chiftane so weill couth wndyrtak, Quhat Inglissman, that baid in till his gait, Contrar Scotland maid neuir mar debait.
Baid neuir sa few so lang agayn Wallace, Wyth sic power as he that day was thar.
Thai had all seyn disseuyryng off Wallace Fra his gud men, and quhar he baid on cace; 600 Amang thyk wod in cowert held thaim law, Quhill thai persawyt he couth on sleping faw.
Wallace and his be than was off thair sycht; Sotheroun baid still for sor loss off that knycht.
The forray tuk the pray, and past the playn, Towart the park; bot power off the toun Wschyt agayn in awfull battaill boun, 470 A thousand hayle wyth men off armys strang; Few baid tharin that mycht to bargane gang.
Kneland was thar, ner cusyng to Wallace, 55 Syne baid with him in mony peralouss place; And Eduuard Litill, his sistir sone so der; Full weill graithit in till thar armour cler.
The fyr brak in at all opynnys about; 1065 Nayn baid on loft, so felloun was the dout.
Thre nychtis thar Wallace baid out off dreid; Restyt him weill, swa had he mekill neid.
Ansuerit, "Thai baid hir sit doun, and said, Welcome Bessie, will thow go with ws?
Bot netheles, for all the feir thai mak, 20 The hie curage and forcy hardyment Baid onamovyt in Turnus stowt entent, So that baldly with hardy wordis on hie Thar spretis rasyt, and rycht fersly he Gan thame repreve, that tuk for nocht affray.
I never goes to baid when I stays here," announced Aunt Tish; "I sets up in de kitchen an' sleeps.
Er man en his wife was killed over dar in baid last night.
I want you ter git down here by my baid en pray fer me, honey," she said.
Den all de fambly hatt'r g'long ter baid too, so de old man kin git ter sleep.
I'll see he gits he's milk regulah an' goes to hes leetle baid at seven every night.
A baid offered to cure him when his case had become almost hopeless.
Not only has he under his care the shaven crowns, the smooth chins, and the close-cropped hair of his neighbours, but he is the village surgeon also, for the baid knows nothing of surgery.
As a rule, the baid is a very poor hand at curing his patients.
Ah heah huh say de yuddah day et wuz er moughty good feelin' ter go ter baid Mistis en git up Marstah!
But, suh, de cab come an' I had everything out clean on de baid even to a fresh tube-rose for his button-hole.
It was a sight, I'm here to tell you, an' he was settin' on de baid smoking.
Well, he finally turned an' come home an' tumbled inbaid about two in de mawnin'.
I tun over in the baid an' then the buzzin' sounded lak the rushin' of mighty water.
I aint writ you bout a low flung mounting boy up hear what put a hornets nest under my baid the fust nite we sogourned hear.
In sic afray thai baid that nycht, Till on the morn that day wes licht: And than cesit in-to party The noyis, slauchtir, and the cry.
And on the morn, but langir baid Off all Rauchryne bath man and page 755 Knelyt, and maid the King homage; And tharwith swour him fewte, To serve him ay in lawte: And held him rycht weill cunnand.
Than till thair innys went thai soyne, 330 And ordanit thame for the fichting; Syne assemblit in the evynnyng, And swa-gat all the nycht baid thai Till on the morn that it wes day.
I been a 'lowing whin I gits ter Heaven I wouldn't have ter work no more, but sence I been a laid up in the baid so long I gin ter think that work would tas'e right sweet.
I may git up out'n this herebaid 'fo long an' be as spry as the nex'.
Dat chile is bout seben years ole an dat chile could see hants all in de house an he wouldn' go tuh baid till his gran'pappy come home an went tuh baid wid him.
All de same, I guess she'll feel pretty baid first off; but dot's your business, and not mine.
Whoebah she be she's done fotched a high fevah wid her, an' I'se gwine put her to baid right now!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "baid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.